全省计划工作会议提出继续扩大内需 推进结构调整

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全省计划工作会议于1998年12月26日至30日在武汉召开。会议提出,继续扩大内需,推进结构调整,促进全省国民经济和社会事业全面发展。围绕1999年全省经济计划工作的总体要求和全省宏观经济调控的主要预期目标,会议确定1999年全省国民经济和社会发展工作的主要任务是:(一)加强以水利为重点的农业基础设施建设,大力发展市场农业和效益农业。(二)保持投资规模适度增长,提高投资的质量和效益。1999年全省全社会投资规模预期目标是1410亿元,比今年预计增长13%左右。(三)大力 The province’s planned work conference was held in Wuhan on December 26-30, 1998. The meeting proposed to continue to expand domestic demand, promote structural adjustment, and promote the all-round development of the national economy and social undertakings in the province. Focusing on the overall requirements of the province’s economic plan in 1999 and the major expected goals of the province’s macroeconomic regulation and control, the meeting decided that the major tasks of the national economic and social development work in 1999 in the province will be to: (i) strengthen the agricultural foundation with emphasis on water conservancy Facilities construction, vigorously develop market agriculture and benefit agriculture. (B) to maintain a modest increase in investment scale, improve the quality and efficiency of investment. In 1999, the expected target of investment in the entire province was 141 billion yuan, an increase of about 13% over this year. (C) vigorously
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