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1996年8月20日至23日,由中国社会科学院法学研究所、中国法律史学会、辽宁大学法律系和沈阳市中级人民法院联合主办的“二十世纪中国法制变革与前瞻学术研讨会”在辽宁省营口市仙人岛举行。来自全国20个科研院所的专家学者60多人参加了研讨会。会议着重讨论了以下两个议题: 一、二十世纪中国法制变革的成绩及经验教训 二十世纪是人类发展最迅速的世纪,也是中国法制发生巨大变革的世纪。与会者打破了传统的中国法制史分期,将近代、现代和当代连成整体,对近百年中国法制变革进行了客观总结评价。一致认为,二十世纪中国法制变革是一个法制现代化的过程;是一个引进、移植西方法制的过程;是中外法制互相融合的过程。在这过程中成果较突出的有四个时期:(一)清末立宪修律,是中国法制现代化的开端。这次变革实现了中国法制 From August 20 to August 23, 1996, the “Symposium on the Reform and Prospect of Law in the Twentieth Century in China” co-sponsored by the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Chinese Society of Legal History, the Law Department of Liaoning University and the Intermediate People’s Court of Shenyang Municipality Yingkou City, Liaoning Province Immortal Island held. More than 60 experts and scholars from 20 research institutes nationwide attended the seminar. The meeting focused on the following two topics: I. The achievements and lessons learned from the reform of the legal system in China in the twentieth century The twentieth century was the century where mankind was most rapidly developing. It was also the century where tremendous changes have taken place in the Chinese legal system. The participants broke the traditional staging of Chinese legal history, integrated modernity with modernity, and made an objective summary of the legal reforms in recent 100 years. They all agreed that the reform of China’s legal system in the twentieth century was a process of modernization of the legal system, a process of introducing and transplanting the Western legal system, and a process of integrating Chinese and foreign legal systems with each other. There are four periods in which outstanding achievements have been made in this process: (1) The revision of the constitutional constitution in the late Qing Dynasty marks the beginning of the modernization of China’s legal system. This change has realized the Chinese legal system
世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization,简称WTO)是当今三大国际组织之一,它与联合国、国际货币基金组织共同构成世界“经济-政治-金融”的完整国际体系。它的前身是关税及贸易总协定(The General Agreement’on Tariffs and Trade,简称GATT),其既