由于蔬菜作物种类较多,在育苗时所需的播种量也不尽相同。那么如何计算其适播量呢?我们可根据蔬菜每667m2种苗数,种子千粒重,种子发芽率及20%安全系数(即增加 20%的秧苗)的关系,确定备种量。其计算方法是: 种子用量(g/667m2)=(每667m2秧苗
Due to the large variety of vegetable crops, the amount of seeding needed during nursery is also different. So how to calculate the appropriate broadcast it? We can determine the amount of preparation according to the relationship between the number of seedlings per 667m2 of vegetables, the seed weight per plant, the seed germination rate and the safety factor of 20% (that is, an increase of 20% of the seedlings). The calculation is: seed dosage (g / 667m2) = (per 667m2 seedlings