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7年前,他放弃了令人羡慕的城市生活,回到家乡创业。7年后,他拥有多家企业,并带领乡亲们走上了脱贫致富的道路。他,就是九台市东湖镇腰站村的农民企业家刘兵。1984年,刘兵出生在腰站村一个普通农民家中,大学毕业后,他考上了公务员,成了乡亲们羡慕的“城里人”。然而,一次江浙之旅彻底改变了他的人生轨迹。 Seven years ago, he gave up his enviable city life and returned home to start a business. Seven years later, he owned a number of enterprises and led villagers onto the path of getting rid of poverty and getting rich. He is Liu Bing, a farmer entrepreneur in the Yaojian Village, Donghu Town, Jiutai City. In 1984, Liu Bing was born in the waist station village an ordinary peasant family, after graduating from college, he was admitted to the civil service, has become the villagers envy “city people ”. However, a journey of Jiangsu and Zhejiang completely changed his life trajectory.
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