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1994年美国报界评出十大最离奇的新闻。其中一条新闻是这样的:这一年的3月 23日,纽约警察总局的法医检查了一具尸体,得出结论:此人死于头部枪击。死者名叫罗纳德·奥普斯,从他留下的遗书中得知,他本来是想从一幢十层高的楼顶跳下自杀的。然而,当他 In 1994, the U.S. press circles ranked the top 10 most bizarre news. One of the news stories is this: On March 23 of this year, the forensic doctor of the New York Police Headquarters examined a dead body and concluded that the man died from a head shot. The name of the deceased was Ronald Ops. From the suicide note he had left, he had wanted to jump from a ten-story building to commit suicide. However, when he
【正】 Reduction of operating rateChina’s MEG(monoethylene glycol)capac-ity was 2.88 million t/a in 2008.The capacityof three major producers-Sinopec Corp,Petr
【正】 On March 23rd,2009 Jiangsu Taizhou Jianye Chemical Co.,Ltd.a subsidiary of ZhejiangJiande Jianye Organic Chemical Co.,Ltd.,commenced the production of 30
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The financial turmoil’s impact on China’spetrochemical industry goes on deepening,with a still big pressure of downturn,CPCIAstated in a report on April 24th