
来源 :上海会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mitudierwa
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We study the ferromagnetic properties of spin-1 system, which is considered in the frame of the bond dilution and random positive or negative anisotropy Blume-C
The theoretic renormalization-group approach is applied to the study of the critical behavior of the ddimensional Ising model with long-range correlated quenche
The phase diagrams of a spin-2 transverse Ising model with a random field on honeycomb, square, and simple-cubic lattices, respectively, are investigated within
会东县位于凉山彝族自治州最南端,县境东、南面有金沙江环绕,与云南省的巧家县、东川市、禄劝县隔江相望,西邻会理,北接宁南。全县幅员面积3 227km^2,辖52个乡镇,总人口为40.
Systems with singular-higher order Lagrangians are investigated by two methods: Dirac method and Hamilton-Jacobi method. An example is studied and it is shown t
We investigate the depinning of two-dimensional fluids interacting with quenched disorder, based on Langevin simulations. For weak disorder the fluids depin ela
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