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20世纪末,福建省漳州市公安局“110”以“有警必接、有难必帮、有险必救”的执法为民理念,推动了全国公安系统执法理念的转变,被国务院授予“人民的110”的荣誉称号。进入21世纪,漳州市公安局的改革与发展,一年一个进步,一年一个台阶。近年来,全面工作走在福建乃至全国的前列:年度公安工作综合考评连续三年荣获全省优胜单位、连续两年保持全省第一,侦破命案专项行动综合考评全省第一,夏季百日会战全省第一,刑事办案质量综合评比连续三年保持全省第一,追捕逃犯工作全省第一,全省巡警防暴警岗位练兵技能比武团体第一、个人全能第一,遵守内务条令夺标竞赛活动评比全省第一,人口信息数据报送质量全国第一,工作绩效暨KPI考评和行风建设也走在漳州市前列;相继荣获全国追逃专项斗争先进单位,全国追逃信息质量先进单位,全国信访(控申)系统文明窗口,福建省严打整治斗争先进集体,福建省社会治安综合治理先进单位,福建省第七届、第八届文明单位。今年5月,荣获2001-2004年度全国社会治安综合治理先进集体,市局主要领导受到中治委、中组部通令嘉奖。继漳州“110”之后,去年又有5个基层组织摘取了全国荣誉:强制戒毒所被授予“全国优秀公务员集体”,巡警防暴支队直属大队被授予“全国杰出青年文明号”、“全国青年文明号十年成就奖”、“全国青年文明号信用建设文明示范创建单位”、“红旗团支部”,收容教育所被授予“全国‘五一’劳动奖状”、“全国巾帼文明岗”,第二看守所被授予“全国优秀青少年维权岗”、第一看守所被公安部和最高人民检察院授予“‘双加强、双保障’示范单位”等荣誉称号。 At the end of the 20th century, Zhangzhou Public Security Bureau of Fujian Province “110” promoted the concept of law enforcement in the national public security system with the concept of “enforcing the law” as “ The 110 ”honorary title. Enter the 21st century, Zhangzhou City Public Security Bureau reform and development, a year of progress, a year of a level. In recent years, comprehensive work walk in the forefront of Fujian and the country: annual public security work comprehensive evaluation won the province’s winning unit for three consecutive years, the province for the second year in a row to solve the murder case a comprehensive assessment of the province’s first comprehensive assessment of action, the summer of 100 days The first in the battle, the comprehensive evaluation of the quality of criminal cases to maintain the province for the first time in a row for three consecutive years, the first in the province to hunt down the fugitives, the province patrol riot police post training ranks first, individual Almighty, abiding by the house rules Competition ranking first in the province, the quality of the submitted population information data first in the country, work performance and KPI appraisal and business ethics also walk in the forefront of Zhangzhou City; have won the national pursuit of advanced units of special struggle, the national pursuit of information quality advanced Units, the whole country petition (control application) system of civilized window, Fujian Province, strike the advanced collective struggle, Fujian Province, the comprehensive management of social security advanced unit, Fujian Province, the Seventh, the eighth civilized unit. This year in May, won the 2001-2004 annual national comprehensive management of social security advanced collectives, the Municipal Bureau of the main leaders by the Central Committee, Central Organization Department commend awards. Following the “110” in Zhangzhou, last year another five grassroots organizations took national honors: the compulsory drug rehabilitation center was awarded the “National Outstanding Civil Servant Group,” and the brigade directly under the riot police detachment was awarded the title of “National Outstanding Youth Civilization,” “National Youth Civilized No. 10 Achievement Award ”,“ National Youth Civilization Building Credit Demonstration Unit ”,“ Red Flag League Branch ”, receiving education was awarded the“ May 1 ”Labor Certificate of Merit“, ”National Women’s civilized post“, the The detention center was awarded the title of ”National Youth Adolescent Rights Defenders“. The first detention center was awarded the honorary title of ”Demonstration Unit of Double Strengthening and Double Guarantee" by the Ministry of Public Security and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate.
《咬文嚼字》2001年第6期《江苏四川巧成对》一文所述对联,曾是风传一时的名作,但文章介绍的情况与我所知道的略有出入,故再补述如后,以供读者参考。 据我所知,抗日战争时期
当前农村贮粮用具大致有三种: 一是竹器用具,如箩筐、围席等,这类用具造价低,使用方便,但容易损坏,防鼠能力差,一般不作长期贮粮用。二是木器用具,如木柜、黄桶、木仓等,这
如果要证明自己是一朵花,只有一心一意默默地开出花朵。  ——题记  父亲节的前几天,我家窗台上的两盆仙人球,都长出了一个黑乎乎的东西。我心想:糟了!太久没给它们浇水,都发霉了啊,长了那么长的黑毛?哪知我靠近它们定睛一看,才发现那是两个我从未见过的奇怪花梗,但我又想即使它们开了花,也一定奇丑无比,便不去理会它们。  这两株仙人球来我们家已经五年多了,由于我们毫不在意,便时时忘了浇水,以至于它们的下半
夏日来袭,烈日当头,就连隐隐吹来的微风仿佛都有了烤焦的味道。而就在这样炎热的季节,令人讨厌的蚊虫则抓住时机“疯狂作案”了。  写作业的时候,耳边便传来了阵阵“嗡嗡嗡”的声音,吵的我简直写不下去。我恨恨地起身寻找,几只停靠在书架上的“嗡星人”吸引了我的目光。只见它们悠然自得地,紧紧地贴在书本上,时不时幸灾乐祸地摆摆触角,或是举起两条小短腿搓两下。我气得火冒三丈,举起蚊拍就使劲朝其中的一只打去,本不牢