思想政治工作现代化转型之三 转型期如何强化思想引导

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当前,我国经济发展步入新常态,社会转型进入新的阶段,思想意识领域多元多样多变等特质更为明显,思想政治工作面临新的挑战。如何主动作为,以变应变,激发新的活力,更好为党和国家工作大局服务,是思想政治工作创新发展的重大课题。为此,本刊特邀中宣部思想政治工作研究所副研究员、培训部副主任张朋智,围绕“思想政治工作现代化转型”主题,从“转型发展的背景是什么”“转型期社会思想意识有哪些新变化”“转型期如何强化思想引导”“如何推动思想政治工作现代化转型”等四个方面进行阐述,本刊“政工大讲堂”将分期予以刊发。本期推出第三讲—— At present, the economic development in our country has stepped into a new normal, the social transformation has entered a new stage, and the characteristics of diversity and change in the field of ideology are all the more obvious. The ideological and political work faces new challenges. How to take the initiative, to adapt, to stimulate new vitality, and to better serve the overall interests of the party and the country, is a major issue for the innovative development of the ideological and political work. To this end, we invited Zhang Pengzhi, an associate researcher at the Institute of Ideological and Political Work of the Central Propaganda Department and deputy director of the training department, to revolve around the theme of “modern transformation of ideological and political work” and from the background of “transformation and development” What are the new changes in social ideology? “” How to strengthen ideological guidance in the transitional period “” How to promote the transformation of modern ideological and political work “and other four aspects of the exposition,” Political Lecture Hall "will be phased to Published. This issue third Lecture -
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我有位特别优秀的女友,研究生毕业之后,她先是在一家外资企业工作了半年多一点,然后做出了一个让人惊讶的决定:辞职回老家,拿出一年的时间来陪伴父母。  最初,女友的父母對她的行为十分不理解,不断催促她回去工作,女友只好解释说自己身体状态不太好,想回家休养一段时间。  其实看到女儿回家,女友的父母十分高兴,他们每天变着法子做好吃的食物给女儿吃,想方设法给她滋补身体。女友一面享受着父母浓浓的爱,一面认真陪
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美国正在研制海军和海军陆战队用的硬聚氨酯泡沫塑料 (RPF)道路,以解决两栖作战中通过沿岸拍岸浪区和滩头布雷区及设障区等令人头痛的难题。   RPF材料具有广阔的军民两用前