Reliability of a Tissue Microarray in Detecting Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 Protein in Lung Carci

来源 :Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangbingkai
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OBJECTIVE To compare the expression of the thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) in human normal adult type II alveolar epithelial cells, embryonic pneumocytes and cancer cells of lung carcinoma and metastatic lymph nodes using a tissue microarray (TMA) along with paired conventional full sections, and to investigate the reliability of tissue microarrays in detecting protein expression in lung carcinoma. METHODS A lung carcinoma TMA including 765 cores was constructed. TTF-1 protein expression in both TMA and paired conventional full sections were detected by the immunohistochemical SP method using a monoclonal antibody to TTF-1. A PU (Positive Unit) of TTF-1 protein was assessed quantitatively by the Leica Q500MC image analysis system with results from the paired conventional full sections as controls. RESULTS There was no signifi cance between TMA and paired conventional full sections in TTF-1 expression in different nuclei of the lung tissue. CONCLUSION TTF-1 protein expression in lung carcinoma detected by TMA was highly concordant with that of paired full sections. TMA is a reliable method in detecting protein expression. OBJECTIVE To compare the expression of the thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) in human normal adult type II alveolar epithelial cells, embryonic pneumocytes and cancer cells of lung carcinoma and metastatic lymph nodes using a tissue microarray (TMA) along with paired conventional full sections, and to investigate the reliability of tissue microarrays in detecting protein expression in lung carcinoma. METHODS A lung carcinoma TMA including 765 cores was constructed. TTF-1 protein expression in both TMA and paired conventional sections were detected by the immunohistochemical SP method using a monoclonal antibody to TTF-1. A PU (Positive Unit) of TTF-1 protein was assessed quantitatively by the Leica Q500MC image analysis system with results from the paired conventional full sections as controls. RESULTS There was no signifi cance cance between TMA and paired conventional full sections in TTF-1 expression in different nuclei of the lung tissue. CONCLUSION TTF-1 protein expression in lung carcinoma detected by TMA was highly concordant with that of paired full sections. TMA is a reliable method in detecting protein expression.
曹××男60岁住院号90267 自幼双眼上睑抬举困难,仰首视物,双眼向内下方偏斜,逐年加重,未经治疗,于90年7月21日入院。5年前左眼角膜溃疡失明,无外伤史;家族史:母亲内斜视。
正当世界各大城市皆被汽车废气弄得污烟瘴气之时,戴姆勒·克莱斯勒汽车公司最近成功利用燃料电池(fuel cell)技术,制成首辆可驾驶的“零废气环保汽车”,预料这种能有效减少
根据角膜周边部和角膜缘免疫学特点:①免疫球蛋白、补体、各种细胞免疫成份有分布:IgM、C3、LC、LCS、HLA 周边部均高于角膜中央部。②与免疫有关疾病如:蚕食性角膜溃疡、泡