Architecture of Ubiquitous Mobile Internet

来源 :ZTE Communications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guocheng19896230801
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With shortcomings in its original design,the Internet is limited in its capacity to meet increasing demands from ubiquitous mobile users. This paper discusses a new architecture for ubiquitous mobile Internet as well as the models and theories of its two layers. The infrastructure layer allows users to access the Internet anywhere,anytime,and by any means,while the pervasive service layer supports a variety of services. This paper proposes a mobility management mechanism under the new architecture. Experimental results show that this new network architecture overcomes the shortcomings of the existing Internet,satisfying demand for ubiquitous mobile service. With shortcomings in its original design, the Internet is limited in its capacity to meet increasing demands demands from ubiquitous mobile users. This paper discusses a new architecture for ubiquitous mobile Internet as well as the models and theories of its two layers. The infrastructure layer allows users to access the Internet anywhere, anytime, and by any means, while the pervasive service layer supports a variety of services. This paper proposes a mobility management mechanism under the new architecture. Experimental results show that this new network architecture overcomes the shortcomings of the existing Internet, satisfying demand for ubiquitous mobile service.
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