
来源 :学术界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gmgan
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我读过《孙子》,后来又浏览过《诸子集成·孙子十家注》(中华书局1954年版)),觉得《孙子》比起其他古书不算太能读,但有些字句段又太难理解。由于读的遍数多了,逆藉助于辞书、字典,发觉过去难读难懂的那些地方,或因经文舛误,或因校注不当,致失原义,甚至不堪卒读。现在就我所能理解的几处试予补注或补校,目的在于和读者共同探讨,互相切磋,使能还其本来面目。 I read “Grandchildren”, and later I read “Ten Grandsons of Integrated Masses” (Zhonghua Book Company 1954)), and found that “grandchildren” were not too readable compared to other ancient books, but some were too hard to read understanding. Due to the number of times of reading, borrowing dictionaries, dictionaries, and finding those areas difficult to understand in the past, or because of erroneous texts, or due to improper school notes, or even unbearable to read. Now I can try to make a few remarks or supplementary school, the purpose is to discuss with readers, learn from each other, to enable its true features.
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美感问题是美学中最复杂的问题,也是争论最多的问题。归纳近年来美学界对此探讨的情况,大致有以下13种不同的理解和表述。 一种观点把美感看作是一种认识,认为美感的发生,是
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