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秋天的塞外,是一年中最美的季节。放眼望去,犹如一张无边无际的巨幅油画:苍山如海,红日如丹,绿草茵茵,层林尽染。杨树叶子都变成了金黄色,和谐的阳光均匀地洒在每一片叶子上,像舒展开来的金色绸缎,还有那头顶永远湛蓝的、白云飘浮的天空,清新的空气里充满了甘甜。 Fall outside the plug, is the most beautiful season of the year. Looking ahead, like a boundless huge oil painting: Cangshan sea, red sun Dan, green grass Yan, storied make dye. Poplar leaves have become golden yellow, harmonious sunshine evenly sprinkled on each leaf, like a stretch of golden silk satin, and there will always be blue sky, white clouds floating sky, the fresh air is full of sweet .
BIKOU Group comprises spilite and keratophyre, which are lower-grade (greenschist facies) metamorphosed and interbedded by main basic rocks at the bottom and a
Neutron activation analysis after preconcentration of nickel sulfide fire assay was used in measurement of Ru, Ph, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt (i.e. PGE elements) and Au co
The temporal and spatial distribution of microfracturing activity in two kinds of granite under triaxial compression has been studied by using a new acoustic e
THE altered deformation zone type Au (Ag) deposits share an important part from the precious metallicore deposits in the Yunkai area, South China. Their format
一批重20多吨的鸡翅木,从张家港发货两天后送到仙游,再过秤时竟比发货时重量足足少了500公斤。这到底是怎么回事么? A group of more than 20 tons of chicken wings wood,