风雨兼程五十载 永争第一铸辉煌——记天工院成立50周年

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公元1961年5月18日,第一机械工业部工程机械研究所(“天津工程机械研究院”前身)正式成立,揭开了我国工程机械行业发展的序幕。这一天,应该被所有行业同仁深刻铭记;这一天,我国工程机械行业第一所专业的研究型行业机构横空出世,拓土开疆。天工所的成立是我国工程机械行业史上最重要的里程碑。从此,我国工程机械行业有了一个响亮的名字,一面屹立不倒迎风飘扬的旗帜。公元2011年5月18日,天津工程机械研究院迎来了50岁生日。50年,对于一个人,丰富的人生阅历值得回味珍藏;50年,对于一个家庭,四世同堂的生活正在有声有色地上演;50年,对于一段历史,翻天覆地的变化已经得到几代人的见证;50年,对于天津工程机械研究院,泽被四方,锐意图强。肩负着行业发展的重任,历经半个世纪的沧桑砥砺,风雨兼程,天工院书写了一段段行业佳话,缔造了一个个奋斗传奇,谱写了一曲曲精神赞歌。回首50年的峥嵘岁月,细数50年的坎坷征程,几代天工院人留下了无数奋斗足迹。凭借“永争第一”的精神,艰苦创业的激情,坚不可摧的意志,天工院人用勤劳和智慧续写了辉煌诗篇,用创新和奉献奏响了华美乐章。50年后的今天,天津工程机械研究院继往开来,确定了“十二五”期间科技发展战略构想,并在“十二五”开局之年完成了新天工院的规划、设计,打造国内顶级工程机械研究机构已成为新一代天工院人为之奋斗的宏伟目标。 May 18, 1961, the first Ministry of Machinery Industry Engineering Research Institute (“Tianjin Institute of Engineering Machinery ” predecessor) was officially established, opened the prelude to the development of China’s construction machinery industry. On this day, it should be profoundly remembered by all industry colleagues; on this day, China’s construction machinery industry’s first professional research institutes turned out to expand. The establishment of Tiangong Institute is the most important milestone in the history of China’s construction machinery industry. Since then, China’s construction machinery industry has a resounding name, while standing against the flag fluttering in the wind. May 18, 2011, Tianjin Construction Machinery Institute ushered in the 50th birthday. For 50 years, a rich life experience deserves to be remembered; for 50 years, a family life of four generations is vividly staged; 50 years, for a period of history, earth-shaking changes have been witnessed by generations ; 50 years, for Tianjin Construction Machinery Research Institute, Ze is the Quartet, determined to map strong. Shoulder the heavy responsibility of the development of the industry, after half a century of vicissitudes temperament, trials and hardships, Heaven Institute wrote a paragraph of industry stories, created a struggle legend, compose a song spirit hymn. Looking back 50 years of towering years, 50 years breakdown of the journey, several generations of Heaven Institute left behind countless struggle. With the spirit of “striving for the best in the first place”, the passion of hard work and the indestructible will, CAST has continued to write brilliant poetry with diligence and wisdom, and played a grand and colorful movement with innovation and dedication. Today, 50 years later, the Tianjin Construction Machinery Research Institute has made a long-term effort to define the strategy of science and technology development during the “12th Five-Year Plan” and completed the planning and design of the Xintian Institute of Technology in the “12th Five-Year Plan” , To build the top domestic construction machinery research institutions have become a new generation of heaven Institute of the grand goal of the struggle.
昏昏欲睡的暮春,来一口清透至心的酸奶,无疑是一家老少都适宜的饮品。只要拥有想象力,简单的食物也能端上餐桌。用酸奶打造出的白色盛宴,一起来试试吧! Sleepy late spring
宝贝们的世界神奇奇,有很多时候都无法用逻辑来解释,就比如他们表达爱的方式:也许是咬你;也许是扯你头发;也许是拍拍你的手……总之千奇百怪,无奇不有。你家宝宝是怎样无厘示爱的呢?    铖铖站到我跟前,举起两只小手,奶声奶气地说:“妈妈抱!”就算我再累,听到那稚嫩的童声也无法不心动,把就把他抱起来。铖铖紧紧地搂着我的脖子,大脑袋靠在我的肩膀上,一动不动,很惬意的样子。  ——铖铖妈    我家宝宝的无
<正> 一在重新结合到一起的德国,事物的发展是如此之快,以至其见证人都不由自主地置身其间,并受其影响,他根本无法超然其上,并作出深思熟虑的判断,他没有机会去追求科学的客观性,因而只得赞允主观性,每个直接参与者都发现自己被迫退回到这种主观性之中。