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2013年,交通银行山西省分行综合绩效考核位列交通银行系统第一,山西省分行出色的业绩引起了交通银行总行和当地同业越来越多的关注。说起交通银行山西省分行,不得不提到一个人,她就是刚刚获得2014年“全国五一劳动奖章”的任江宏。作为交通银行山西省分行文源巷支行行长,任江宏带领的团队在2013年山西省分行综合绩效考核中位居第一。入行20年来,任江宏以其锐意进取的精神、坚韧不拔的意志、脚踏实地的工作作风,在不断为山西省分行创造更多效益的同时也收获了 In 2013, the comprehensive performance evaluation of Bank of Communications Shanxi Branch ranked first in the Bank of Communications System. The outstanding performance of Shanxi Branch attracted more and more attention from Bank of Communications and its local counterparts. Speaking of the Bank of Communications branch in Shanxi Province, had mentioned a person, she is just got 2014 “National Labor Medal” Ren Jiang Hong. As the head of Wenyuan Alley Branch of Shanxi Branch of Bank of Communications, Ren Jianghong led the team in the 2013 comprehensive performance evaluation of Shanxi Branch. Since entering the bank for 20 years, Ren Jianhong has reaped the spirit of forge ahead with determination, perseverance and down-to-earth working style while continuously creating more benefits for Shanxi Branch