来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyzsoft
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The simulated heat affected zone (HAZ) of the high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels containing 0%, 0.047%, 0.097% and 0.151% vanadium, respectively, were studied with Gleeble-2000 ther-momechanical simulator to determine the influence of vanadium addition on the mechanical properties of the HAZ. The HAZ simulation involved reheating the samples to 7350℃, and then cooling to ambient temperature at a cooling rate of 5℃/s ranging from 800 to 500℃(Δt8/5=60s). The mechanical properties including tensile strength and -20V impact toughness were conducted. The microstructures of the base steel and the simulated HAZs were investigated using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Based on the systematic examination, the present work confirmed that about 0.05% vanadium addition to low carbon low alloy steels resulted in expected balance of strength and toughness of the HAZ. And more than 0.10% levels addition led to detrimental toughness of the HAZ. SEM study showed that the simulated 0.097% and 0.151%V HAZs consisted of more coarse ferrite plates with greater and more M-A constituents along austenite grain and ferrite plate boundaries. The impact fracture surfaces of the simulated 0.097% and 0.151%V HAZs showed typically brittle mode with predominant cleavages. The size of the facet in the fracture surface increased with increasing vanadium level from 0.097% to 0.151%. As a result, the simulated0.151%V HAZ has the lowest impact toughness of the four specimens. The simulated heat affected zone (HAZ) of the high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels containing 0%, 0.047%, 0.097% and 0.151% vanadium, respectively, were studied with Gleeble-2000 ther- momechanical simulator to determine the influence of vanadium The HAZ simulation involved reheating the samples to 7350 ° C, and then cooling to ambient temperature at a cooling rate of 5 ° C / s ranging from 800 to 500 ° C (Δt8 / 5 = 60 s). The mechanical properties including tensile strength and -20V impact toughness were conducted. The microstructures of the base steel and the simulated HAZs were investigated using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Based on the systematic examination, the present work confirmed that about 0.05% vanadium addition to low carbon low alloy steels resulted in expected balance of strength and toughness of the HAZ. And more than 0.10% levels addition led to detrimental to ughness of the HAZ. SEM study showed that the simulated 0.097% and 0.151% V HAZs consisted of more coarse ferrite plates with greater and more MA constituents along austenite grain and ferrite plate boundaries. The impact fracture surfaces of the simulated 0.097% and 0.151% V HAZs typically typically brittle mode with predominant cleavages. The size of the facet in the fracture surface increased with increasing vanadium level from 0.097% to 0.151%. As a result, the simulated 0.151% V HAZ has the lowest impact toughness of the four specimens.
新教材中把原来一些验证型问题改成探究型问题,其目的是让同学们掌握一些科学规律的生成过程,《探究弹性势能表达式》是在《探究加速度和力、物体质量的关系》之后的又一个探究型问题,教材在处理上侧重于理论探究。下面用实验探究的方式探究弹性势能表达式,帮助同学们理解实验探究的各个环节。  探究型实验的三个环节分别是:猜想与假设;设计实验方案;实验验证。  [猜想与假设]  猜想绝不是没有根据的主观臆断,而是以
摘 要 体育是一门运动性很强的学科,许多体育活动需要多位学生共同完成,基于此,小组合作模式应运而生,它主要的意义在于培养中学生的团队合作精神、自我管理能力以及展示个性。在民主、平等的活动氛围中,让学生领悟体育精神,实现初中体育教学目标。本文从小组合作学习的作用和实施措施两方面进行论述。  【关键词】初中;体育教学;小组合作;有效性  小组合作学习是指将班上的学生分成小组,以小组为单位进行各项体育运
1997年 3月 25日凌晨 2时,富平县无业青年姚征伙同铜川市郊区青年张小青和惠和平,将一女青年劫持到一防空洞内强奸。案发第二天,姚征逃到乾县表姐家,于 1997年 10月化名“袁平利