
来源 :机械技术史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windwebsystem
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Kyoto University preserves a lot of data of the liberal art system and the science system that have been collected since university establishment to study and to educate.The data on the history of the industry,and technology are especially important to Japan and also to the university, because the time before and after university establishment was When Japan imported the industrial technology from Europe and America,and laid the foundation as the modern industrial country,it is today.This paper reports the wooden locomotive model and the mechanism models that played an important role to the education of the modern machine technology in Japan,and the machine tools that are of special interest in the industrial technology in Japan. Kyoto University preserves a lot of data of the liberal art system and the science system that have been collected since university establishment to study and to educate.The data on the history of the industry, and technology are especially important to Japan and also to the university because the time before and after university establishment was When Japan imported the industrial technology from Europe and America, and laid the foundation as the modern industrial country, it is today. This paper reports the wooden locomotive model and the mechanism models that played an important role to the education of the modern machine technology in Japan, and the machine tools that are of special interest in the industrial technology in Japan.
如果某天你發现自己走投无路,年龄越来越大,行业日渐萧条,老板的脸色越来越差,你怎么办?  曾经有个女人就是这样,30岁时,她忽然“发现自己站在一片幽暗的树林里”。内心装着一锅混合了悲伤、愤怒、不平和恐惧的滚水,她把自己吃成了一个 150多斤的大胖子。最慌乱的时候,她在海边徘徊了半个晚上,但终究没有跳下去。  好吧那就活着。可是“一个没背景没手腕没长相没专长没情商脸皮还特别薄生怕求人的女性可以干点什