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最近,我接触到这样两个句子,以及它们的参考译文:(1)They should be given opportunities for some direct experienceof a professional nature。应该让他们有机会直接从事职业性质的工作。(2)Science instruction should familiarize students with career pos-sibilities in technical fields and in science teaching.科学教学应该使学生熟悉技术领域中和科学教育中的各种可能出现的专业。 Recently, I came across these two sentences and their reference translations: (1) They should be given opportunities for some direct experience of a professional nature. They should be given the opportunity to directly engage in professional work. (2) Science instruction should familiarize students with career pos-sibilities in technical fields and in science teaching. Science teaching should familiarize students with various possible majors in the field of technology and science education.
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将下列各句译成汉语:1.a.He is hiding in secret in the mountain and no one knowswhere he is.b.I suspect that he’s in the secret.2.a.He will be in charge of the
辅音字母组合ch 有如下几种读法:1.读[t∫]。例词:bench[bent∫];chair[t∫ε(?)];rich[rit∫];church [t∫(?):t∫】,chummy[’t∫(?)mi]友好的,亲密的;etc.2.读[k]。例词: