培训财会人员 加强会计基础工作

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1981年末,我局系统共有商业、商办工业等各种类型基层单位3,132个,独立核算单位910个,共有财会人员2949人,占全部职工的2.57%.其中:具有大专学历的28人,中专毕业的129人;从年龄上看三十岁以下的青年占50%以上,已到退休年龄和体弱多病的占7%左右.我们针对财会人员不足,水平低,会计基础工作差的实际情况,始终把培训财会人员、整顿加强会计基础工作做为重点,坚持年年抓、层层抓,财会人员的专业理论和业务水平有了明显提高,成本不实,错帐、压帐单位显著减少,大部分基层企业的会计基础工作已恢复到1966年以前的水平.我们在财会工作建设方面,重点抓了以下两项工作.一、采取多种形式,培训财会人员1979年到1981年,我局系统共培训新会计827人,轮训在职财会人员1,185人.主要做法是:1、明确培训目标.根据我局的具体情况,按 At the end of 1981, the bureau had 3,132 grassroots units of various types, including commercial and commercial industries, and 910 independent accounting units with a total of 2,949 accounting staff, accounting for 2.57% of the total workforce, including 28 with tertiary education and medium 129 graduated from college; from the age of the young people under the age of 30 accounted for more than 50%, has reached the retirement age and frail and sick accounted for about 7% .According to the actual situation of lack of accounting staff, low level, poor accounting basis, It has always put the training of accounting personnel, rectification and strengthening of the basic accounting work as a key point, persisting in grasping and grasping at each level, the accounting profession’s professional theory and professional level has been significantly improved, the cost is not real, the wrong account, The basic accounting work of most grassroots enterprises has been restored to the level before 1966. We focus on the construction of the accounting work, the following two tasks: I. To take various forms and training of accounting personnel From 1979 to 1981, I Bureau The system trained a total of 827 new accountants and 1,185 on-the-job accountants in rotation, mainly as follows: 1. Clearly train the target According to the specific situation of our bureau, press
一、“双语教学”的概念及意义(一)“双语教学”的概念分析“双语教学”(bilingual teaching),是指以两种语言作为媒介语言进行教学。一般双语教学既要完成专业课程的教学又