中共中央政治局候补委员中央书记处书记温家宝强调发展农村经济 开拓农村市场

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9月初,温家宝同志在辽宁考察农业和农村工作时强调说,解决目前一部分工业企业生产经营中的困难,保持国民经济持续、快速、健康发展,必须调整产品结构,启动市场,培育新的经济增长点。要特别重视研究农村市场问题,把开拓农村市场作为一个重点。我国农村人口多,地域广,市场容量大;目前农村消费水平总体比较低,市场潜力大;农户既是消费者,又是生产经营者,既要购买生活资料,又要购买生产资料;农村市场与城市市场由于消费对象、消费水平和消费习惯不同,对商品的需求有所不同,具有互补性。搞活农村流通,拓展农村市场,可以为工业企业提供更广阔的发展空间。同时,也可以加强城市工业对农业的支持和带动,加快农业现代化的发展进程,实现工农业协调发展,城乡共同繁荣。 In early September, Comrade Wen Jiabao emphasized in his inspection of agriculture and rural work in Liaoning that to solve the difficulties in the production and operation of some industrial enterprises at present and to maintain the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the national economy, we must readjust the product mix, start the market and foster new economic growth point. We should pay special attention to studying the problems in the rural market and take the pioneering rural market as a priority. The rural population in our country is large with a wide geographic area and a large market capacity. At present, the level of rural consumption is relatively low and the market has great potential. Farmers are both consumers and producers, purchasing both subsistence and production materials. Rural markets and Because of different objects of consumption, different levels of consumption and different spending habits, urban markets have different needs and are complementary to each other. To invigorate rural circulation and expand rural markets can provide industrial enterprises with a broader space for development. At the same time, it can also strengthen the support and drive of urban industry to agriculture, speed up the process of agricultural modernization, realize the coordinated development of industry and agriculture, and promote the common prosperity of urban and rural areas.
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(一) 前言龚咀水电站位于四川省乐山市境内大渡河干流上,距成都165km,是一个以发电为主兼顾漂木(100万m~3/年)、航运等综合利用的枢纽。电站控制流域面积76130km~2,多年平均
In order to analyze the condition of s pecial landform and regularity of sp ecial hydrological movement in karst area,the method of Geomorphologic Instantaneous
本文运用模糊数学理论,以由非汛期向主汛期过渡时的模糊集模式确定水利施工围堰的高程,并通过计算实例加以验证。 In this paper, fuzzy mathematics theory is used to det