1978年5月11日,《光明日报》以特约评论员名义发表题为《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》的文章。由于这篇文章是从根本理论上否定了“两个凡是”的思想,所以它引起了广泛的注意,并逐渐形成了关于“真理标准”问题的大讨论。 为使广大读者了解这篇文章的来龙去脉,本刊特发表《〈实践是检验真理的唯一标准〉一文写作和发表的过程》,该文是1985年1月在当年《光明日报》总编辑、已故全国政协常委杨西光主持下,由几位同志根据本人的笔记、《光明日报》留存的原始校样以及当时可能搜集到的材料整理出来的,过去作为档案资料封存,现征得整理者的同意第一次公开披露。为保持该文原貌,本刊未作一字修改。由于篇幅所限,我们未刊登原文所提到的13个附件,而是影印了这些附件的标题,供读者参考。
On May 11, 1978, “Guangming Daily” published an article entitled “Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth,” in the name of a special commentator. Since this essay denied the “two common” thoughts from the fundamental theory, it attracted wide attention and gradually formed a big discussion on the issue of “the criterion of truth.” In order to make readers understand the ins and outs of this essay, we published “The Practice is the Only Standard for Verifying Truth” and the process of writing and publishing one article. It was the chief editor of Guangming Daily in January 1985 Therefore, under the auspices of Yang Xiguang, member of Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, some comrades, based on their own notes, the original proofs kept by Guangming Daily and the materials that may have been collected at the time, were sealed as archives in the past and are now approved by the arranger The first public disclosure. In order to maintain the original appearance of the article, this article has not been amended by a single word. Due to limited space, we did not publish the 13 attachments mentioned in the original text. Instead, we printed the titles of these attachments for readers’ reference.