烹坛试比屠龙绝技 雄英争夺庖厨魁首——辽宁省首届烹饪技术大奖赛侧记

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辽宁省首届烹饪技术大奖赛是辽宁烹饪界一次规模较大的活动.这次比赛必将在辽宁烹坛产生一定的影响.但是,由于这次比赛准备仓促,考虑不周,组织不严密,也存在不少问题和缺点.如,各地没有预赛,选手水平差距较大;没有理论考试,只有烹调比赛,菜式任厨师自报,高低不一,既给评比带来困难,也不能全面反映厨师水平;定级不合理,如有的一级厨师虽然只中第三等奖,却可与“最佳厨师”一样,上靠特二级厨师,等等.另外,辽宁烹饪劲旅——沈阳饮食行业的多数烹饪高手没有参加比赛,也使大奖赛受到影响.但我们相信,这次比赛必将为下次比赛和他地的此类活动提供有益的经验. Liaoning Province, the first cooking Grand Prix cooking industry in Liaoning is a larger event.This competition will certainly have a certain impact in cooking in Liaoning.However, due to the preparation of the game rush, ill-considered, not well-organized, but also There are many problems and shortcomings .For example, there is no preliminaries around the player level gap; no theoretical test, only the cooking competition, the cook as a self-reported dishes, different levels, both to the appraisal brings difficulties, can not fully reflect the chef Level; unreasonable grading, if a chef although only the third prize, but with the “best chef”, as the top two chefs, etc. In addition, cooking Liaoning Liaoning - Shenyang diet Most of the culinary masters in the industry did not participate in the competition but also affected the Grand Prix, but we believe this competition will certainly provide useful experience for the next competition and for such activities on the ground.
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