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我国实施走出去战略以来,对外投资保持了快速增长,为带动相关产品、技术、服务输出,促进国内产业转型升级,深化我与有关国家互利合作发挥了积极作用。2015年,我国对外直接投资超过外商直接投资,标志着我国跨境投资进入了新时期。与此同时,2015年下半年以来,我国对外投资出现了进一步加快增长的新情况,引发了国内外高度关注。当前,我国正处于对外投资“量质转换”的关键时期,与国际政治经济环境的深刻变化相同步,这是一个各方面风险因素叠加的阶段,机遇和挑战均前所未有。应科学分析当前对外投资增长的现实情况,立足于更好地服务国内经济发展需要,进一步完善对外投资管理制度体系和政策措施,将长期制度建设和短期调控手段结合起来。 Since China implemented the strategy of going out, its foreign investment has maintained a rapid growth. It has played an active role in driving the export of related products, technologies and services, promoting the transformation and upgrading of domestic industries, and deepening the mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries. In 2015, China’s foreign direct investment surpassed that of foreign direct investment, marking that China’s cross-border investment has entered a new period. In the meantime, since the second half of 2015, there has been a new situation in our country’s outward investment in further accelerating growth, which has aroused great concern at home and abroad. At present, our country is in the crucial period of “foreign exchange investment and quality control” and is in step with the profound changes in the international political and economic environment. This is a phase of superposition of risk factors in all aspects. Both opportunities and challenges are unprecedented. We should scientifically analyze the current situation of the growth of foreign investment, base ourselves on better serving the needs of domestic economic development, further improve the system and policies and measures for managing foreign investment, and combine the long-term institutional development with short-term regulatory measures.
婴幼儿缺钙会出现骨骼钙化不全及严重危害婴幼儿健康发育的多种疾病,如佝偻病、乎足搐搦症等。炎夏是补钙的最佳时机,望家长切莫错失良机。 Calcium deficiency infants an
燕麦:含有极丰富的亚油酸和丰富的皂甙素,可降低血清胆固酸、甘油三酯。玉米:含丰富的钙、硒、卵磷脂、维生素 E 等。具有降低血清胆固醇的作用。海带:含丰富的牛磺酸,可降
进入炎伏酷暑,气温一天高过一天。人们应该怎样科学地调摄自己的饮食,来适应高温环境,维护身体的健康呢? 宜设法增加食欲,保证每日摄入的总热量不降低。炎热气候、高温环境
本文对湘潭湘江四大桥主塔施工方法进行阐述,并对施工过程中关键环节进行分析和总结。 This article elaborates the construction method of the main tower of the Xiangj