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贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲曲目较多,而《热情》是其中比较具有代表性的一首曲目,不仅热烈,而且可以感受到激情、狂放,所以经常在各地音乐会上演奏,且倍受青睐。《热情》通篇戏剧性比较浓烈,不仅有可以体会到来自灵魂的怒吼,同时还可以体会到一种情绪的发泄。不论是在气势还是在规模上,都十分大气、热情但是还有一种信心缺失的感觉,值得深入研究与欣赏。 Beethoven Piano Sonata has more tracks, and “Enthusiasm” is one of the more representative tracks. It is not only enthusiastic but also passionate and wild, so it is often played at concerts all over the world and is very popular. “The passion” throughout the dramatic strong, not only can appreciate the roar from the soul, but also can experience a kind of emotional vent. Both in the momentum and size, are very atmospheric, enthusiastic but there is a feeling of lack of confidence, it is worth in-depth study and appreciation.
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