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资产负债结构不合理是目前乡镇企业普遍存在的问题。据对山东枣庄市1013户乡镇企业调查,1991年6月末。全部资产负债率为88.3%。其中低于50%的301户;在50%-70%之间的342户;在70%以上的246户;还有124户高于100%,形成了资不低债的局面,流动资产负债结构更为不合理,所调查的1013户企业,流动资产负债率高达119%。高比例负债经营是困扰乡镇企业发展的主要障碍,严重影响着经济效益的提高。究其原因,主要有以下几点: ①企业经营管理不善,亏损严重,资产大量流失。据了解,这1013户乡镇企业共亏损2480万元,一些企业甚至陷入连年亏损不能自拔的境地。②承包责任制不完善,短期行为严重,应摊不摊,该提不提,应处理的 Unreasonable structure of assets and liabilities is a common problem in township and township enterprises. According to a survey of 1013 village and township enterprises in Zaozhuang, Shandong, the end of June 1991. The total debt ratio was 88.3%. Among them, 301 households are less than 50%, 342 households are between 50%-70%, 246 households are more than 70%, and 124 households are higher than 100%, forming a situation where the capital is not low debt, liquid assets liabilities. The structure is even more unreasonable. The 1013 households surveyed have a current debt ratio of up to 119%. High proportion of debt management is a major obstacle to the development of township and township enterprises, which seriously affects the improvement of economic efficiency. The reasons are as follows: 1 Poor business management, serious losses, and large losses of assets. It is understood that these 1013 township and township enterprises have a total loss of 24.8 million yuan, and some companies have even fallen into the situation of losing money year after year. 2 The contract responsibility system is not perfect, the short-term behavior is serious, and should be shared without compensation. The proposal should not be addressed.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacogenetic role of the factor XIII(FXIII)valine 34 leucine(Val34Leu)polymorphism in the fibrinolytic therapy of a
体外膈肌起搏对慢性阻塞性肺病肺功能的影响陈廷杰···//山西医药杂志.-1993.22(5).-330作者应用体外膈肌起搏(EDP)器对40例慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者进行治疗,其中男36例,女4例,年龄65±6.3岁。每日EDP治疗30min,... Effect of