Many authors report a higher prevalence of atopic allergy in children with secretory otitis media, while others report that allergic treatment may improve these children. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between secretory otitis media in children and atopic allergy and the response to corticosteroid therapy. Subjects were 89 children with secretory otitis media between 3 and 12 years of age with a duration of more than six months. The possibility of an atopic allergic reaction is estimated on the basis of medical history, skin test, total IgE and nasal secretions eosinophil examination. Skin test application of eight kinds of allergens, including house dust, house dust mites, grass pollen, dog hair, cat hair, horse hair, Aspergillus fumigatus and milk, with 2 or more than the skin test group> 0.5cm Positive; Phadebas paper for total IgE