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壮别天涯未许愁,尽将离恨付东流。何当痛饮黄龙府,高筑神州风雨楼。李大钊同志是我国无产阶级革命的伟大先行者,中国共产党的创始人之一。他一生为寻求救国救民的真理而劳神焦思,为改造黑暗的现实,唤起民众的觉悟而上下求索。为了祖国和人民的解放,他献出了自己全部的热血和宝贵的生命。李大钊生前留下了不少抒发豪情壮志的战斗诗篇,《口占一绝》就是脍炙人口的一篇。诗的前面有一小序:“丙辰春,再至江户,幼衡将返国,同人招至神田酒家小饮,风雨一楼,互有酬答,辞间均见‘风雨楼’三字,相约再造神州后,筑高楼以作纪念,应名为‘神州风雨楼’,遂本此意,口占一绝,并送幼蘅云。”丙辰,公元一九一六年。幼蘅,留日同学,作者的好友。江户,日本的地名。一九一五年,日本帝国主义向窃国大盗袁世凯提出了灭亡中国的“二 Endless World Endless Worry, will do away with hate to pay. When to drink Huanglong House, tall buildings Shenzhou rain floor. Comrade Li Dazhao is a great forerunner of the proletarian revolution in our country and one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party. In his lifetime, he tried his best to seek the truth of saving the nation and saving the people, seeking to reform the reality of darkness and arouse people’s awareness. For the liberation of the motherland and the people, he sacrificed all his blood and precious life. Li Dazhao left a lot during his lifetime to express his passionate battle poetry, “a must account for” is a popular article. There is a small preface in front of the poem: “Bingchen spring, and then to Edo, Ikebana will return home, colleagues recruit Kanda restaurant drink, the first floor of wind and rain, mutual compensation, see the words of the stormy building words, meet After the re-creation of China, the high-rise building for the memorial, should be called ’Shenzhou stormy buildings’, then the meaning of this account, accounting for a must, and send young Yun cloud. ”Bing c, 1916 AD. Young children, students studying in Japan, the author’s friend. Edo, Japan’s place names. In 1915, Japanese imperialists proposed to Yuan Shikai, a thief-theft thief, the "second
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目的 建立并验证儿童先天性心脏病体外循环手术后发生重症肺炎的风险预测模型.方法 将2014年10月至2017年12月于重庆医科大学附属儿童医院胸心外科确诊为先心病并接受体外循