深化改革 建设医疗 预防保健一体化新型师医院

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三年整顿建设中,我们认真贯彻总部、军区指示精神,突出整顿重点,不断深化改革,促进了医院各项工作的发展。在连续三年被集团军和军区评为先进师医院的同时,认真分析了医院今后的发展方向。从基层卫生工作的实际出发,积极探索新形势下卫生工作的新途径,逐步建立起医疗、预防、保健一体化的新格局。现将我们的主要做法报告如下。一、加强学习,树立医疗、预防、保健一体化新观念为了使全院医务人员从旧的,传统的医学模式中解脱出来,尽快适应医疗、预防、保健一体化的需要,我们院党委一班人统一思想,反复地、多层次地组织全院医务人员进行学习讨论,并通过与病 In the course of three years of rectification and construction, we conscientiously implemented the directives of the headquarters and the military region, highlighted the major points for rectification, and continuously deepened the reform, thus promoting the development of various tasks in the hospital. In three consecutive years by the Army and the military as the advanced division hospital at the same time, a careful analysis of the hospital’s future development. From the reality of grass-roots health work, we should actively explore new ways of health work in the new situation and gradually establish a new pattern of medical, prevention and health care integration. Now we report the main practices are as follows. First, to strengthen learning, establish a new concept of medical, prevention, health care integration In order to make the hospital medical personnel from the old, the traditional medical model freed, as soon as possible to adapt to the medical, prevention, health care integration, our hospital a party People unify thinking, repeatedly, multi-level organization of hospital medical staff to discuss and discuss with the disease
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1 一般资料本组共50例,男32例,女18例。年龄6—67岁。30~40岁占本组病例数63%。脑血管造影145条次,其中1次完成4条1例,3条(包括两侧颈内动脉,1侧推动脉)44例。病例选择:蛛网
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