提高科技含量 促进团场发展——农三师四十九团掠影

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农三师四十九团是一个民、汉合一的全民所有制企业团场,全团总人口1.6万人,其中少数民族人口占30%。 2005年,全团各族职工群众在团党委的正确领导下,在大灾面前不低头,克服了许多困难,各项工作都取得了新的进展。该团种植棉花9.2万亩,总产籽棉3440万公斤,实现生产总值1.66亿元,职均收入1.8万元。 2006年,该团在继续保持快速健康发展的基础上.仍将继续坚持农业的基础地位不动摇,计划播种陆地棉9.8万亩,全面推行高密度栽培技术; 加快林果园艺业发展,建造3000亩设施灌经济示范园;大力发展畜牧业,兴建4个畜牧小区。在抓好一产的前提下,该团将大力发展二、三产业,在成功引进外资、合资兴办滴灌带厂的基础上,进一步加大招商引资力度。该团还将抓住国家西部大开发的机遇,完成城镇给排水工程,集中供热,道路、改水等重大工程,加快危旧房改造步伐,进一步改善职工群众的生活工作条件,努力打造屯垦戍边新型团场。 The 49th Division of the Nongnavong Division is a civilian-Chinese-Han-owned enterprise owned by the whole people. The total population of the entire delegation is 16,000, of which the minority population accounts for 30%. In 2005, under the correct leadership of the CYL party committees and the masses of workers and staff of all ethnic groups in the entire league, they did not look down before the disaster and overcame many difficulties, and made new progresses in all fields of work. The group planted 92,000 acres of cotton, total output of 34,400,000 kg of seed cotton, total production value of 166 million yuan, average income 18,000 yuan. In 2006, the mission continued to maintain rapid and healthy development. Will continue to adhere to the basic position of agriculture unswervingly plan to sow 98000 acres of cotton, plans to promote high-density cultivation techniques; accelerate the development of forestry and horticulture, construction of 3000 acres of facilities irrigation economic demonstration park; vigorously develop animal husbandry, construction 4 livestock area. In the premise of a good grasp of a production, the regiment will vigorously develop the secondary and tertiary industries, the successful introduction of foreign capital, joint venture to set up drip irrigation with the basis of the plant, to further increase investment efforts. The mission will also seize the opportunities brought by the large-scale development of the western part of the country, complete major projects such as urban water supply and drainage projects, central heating, roads and water diversion, speed up the reconstruction of dangerous and obsolete houses, further improve the working and living conditions of the masses of workers and workers, and strive to build a settlement Frontier new field.
贴对联、挂灯笼、放鞭炮等已经成为中国人过年的传统习俗,但这些习俗的来历却鲜为人知。2月18日,山西省科技馆联合人民网在馆内开展了“科普万里行”公益活动,此次活动主要述说有关“年兽”的故事,吸引了许多家长带着孩子前来倾听,众多游客也怀着一颗好奇心走进山西省科技馆。  据馆内工作人员介绍,中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,头长尖角,凶猛异常。每到除夕这一天,年兽都会从深海里爬上岸,到村寨里吞食牲畜、伤害
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