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累了吗?压力太大吗?没空运动?那么,你也许想试试瑜珈。已经有越来越多的人求助瑜珈来舒缓现代生活的烦恼。五十年前在西方几乎还没有人听说过瑜珈,可是现在它已经成为世界各地最流行的健康风潮之一。 Are you tired? Do you have too much pressure? No exercise? Then you may want to try yoga. More and more people have turned to yoga to relieve the troubles of modern life. Fifty years ago almost no one in the West had heard of yoga, but now it has become one of the most popular health trends in the world.
When I was a boy,every holiday that Ihad seemed ideal.My parents took me by train or by car to a hotel by the sea,All day,I seem to remember,Iplayed on the san
EVER用法小结李钢ever这个词在英语中的用法很多,《大学英语》教材中也多次出现。如精读(复旦版《大学英语》)第4册Unit5的课文中有这样一句话:Shoulddoctorseverlietobenefittheirpatients—tospedr... EVER usage summary The word Li Gang eve
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The largest case of a foreign company trying to acquire a Chinese one is the first to be rejected under the country’s Anti-Monopoly Law The largest case of a
TheHunter○李运兴译Earlyonemorningahunterwentintothemountains.Soonhespotedfreshwolftracks.“Ilprobablyencounterabigwolftodayandafi... TheHunter ○ Li Yunxing translated Earlyonemorningahunterwentintothemountains. Soonhespotedfreshwolftracks. "Ilprobablye
2006年,我国船舶修理、改装经济总量大幅度飙升,全年修船工业产值达200亿元左右,同比增长约40%。 In 2006, the total volume of ship repairs and refit in our country su