
来源 :广东医药学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swxylq
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对本省部分地区市售化妆品进行了细菌、霉茵及防腐剂作用的检查,发现散装洗发香波细菌总数超标率17.65%,霉菌总数超标率14.7%,其中5份发现大肠杆菌,2份发现绿脓杆菌,瓶装洗发香波细菌总数和霉菌总数超标均为8.33%,其中1份发现大陆杆菌,20份膏霜面脂未超标,但使用了3月—1年的膏霜面脂,细菌总数超标率则高达23.08%,并有1份发现大肠杆菌,霉菌总数超标率高达38.46%。因而提出对化妆品的销售方式、用售过程和使用过程的污染应引起重视,南方地区应加强霉菌污染的监测,从微生物学角度对化妆品中防腐刑的抑菌效能和含防腐剂化妆品最小杀菌浓度的测定,以探索在化妆品基质中防腐剂的种类和适宜浓度的选择,并提出联合使用防腐剂、以达浓度低而又安全有效的目的。 Examined the effects of bacteria, mildew and preservatives on commercial cosmetics in some areas of the province and found that the total number of shampoo shampoos in bulk exceeds the rate of 17.65%, the total number of molds exceeded the rate of 14.7%, and 5 of them found E. coli. In 2 cases of P. aeruginosa, the total number of bottled shampoos and the total number of molds exceeded the standard by 8.33%. Among them, 1 case was found to be mainland bacillus and 20 creams of facial fat were not exceeded, but a paste of 3 months to 1 year was used. Cream surface fat, the rate of exceeding the total number of bacteria was as high as 23.08%, and 1 was found in E. coli, the total number of molds exceeded the standard rate as high as 38.46%. Therefore, we should pay attention to the sales of cosmetics, the pollution of the sales process and the use of the process, the south area should strengthen the monitoring of mold contamination, microbiological point of view of the antibacterial efficacy of cosmetics in cosmetics and the minimum bactericidal concentration of antiseptic cosmetics. The determination was made to explore the choice of preservatives in the cosmetic matrix and the selection of suitable concentrations, and to propose the use of a preservative in combination to achieve a low concentration yet safe and effective.
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【摘要】英语故事教学在小学高年级英语教学中越显重要。新教材中第一单元都是故事教学。其中Story time是整篇介绍故事,Fun time则是故事表演。本文就故事教学中存在的问题以及如何整合Story time和Fun time的教学加以探究,旨在通过课内外的教和学训练学生英语口语表达的能力,提高学生英文故事表演的能力,最终能达到能说会演的教学效果。  【关键词】小学英语教学 故事教学 能说会演 
佟丽娅被朋友们亲切的叫“丫丫”。丫丫在1 6岁的时候,就获得了新疆舞蹈家协会的4级舞蹈考级培训教师资格;在18岁参加新疆小姐大赛评选,并获得亚军;2006年,还在中戏读书的丫
目的 :探讨油酸 (OA)肺损伤RDS时进行性氧分压下降与脑组织脂质过氧化、中分子物质 (MMS)和一氧化氮 (NO)及内皮素 (ET)动态变化之间的关系 ,为单纯性肺损伤对其它脏器的影响提供实验依据
患者女 ,56岁 ,因脑梗塞后遗症于 2 0 0 0年 4月 1日入院。入院后予 5%葡萄糖 50 0 ml+脑多肽1 2 ml缓慢静脉滴注 ,液体输入 2 50 ml后 ,患者出现畏冷、恶心、呕吐 ,即停止输
人们一般都有这样的感觉 ,噪声很大 ,人就很烦噪 ;若鸦雀无声 ,人也会感到异样或产生恐惧。因此 ,就诞生了一门新的学科——声境学。它研究的内容是 :在怎样的声音环境中 ,人