An Improved Maximum C/I Scheduling Algorithm Combined with HARQ

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hiss006
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It is well known that traffic in downlink will be much greater than that in uplink in 3 G and that beyond. High Speed Downlink Packet Access( HSDPA ) is the solution to transmission for high speed downlink packet service in UMTS , of which Maximum C/I scheduling is one of the important algorithms related to performance enhancement. An improved scheme, Thorough Maximum C/I scheduling algorithm, is presented in this article, in which every transmitted frame has the maximum C/I . The simulation results show that the new Maximum C/I scheme outperforms the conventional scheme in throughput performance and delay performance, and that the FER decreases faster as the maximum number of the retransmission increases. It is well known that traffic in downlink will be much more than that in uplink in 3G and that beyond. High Speed ​​Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) is the solution to transmit for high speed downlink packet service in UMTS, of which Maximum C / An improved scheme, Thorough Maximum C / I scheduling algorithm, is presented in this article, where each transmitted frame has the maximum C / I. The simulation results show that the new Maximum C / I scheme outperforms the conventional scheme in throughput performance and delay performance, and that the FER decreases as the maximum number of the retransmission increases.
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