在郧西县档案馆里,收藏着一件珍贵的革命历史档案,那是原红25军转战郧西期间,其政治部宣传队,原中央军委副主席刘华清及江波等同志编写、制作的大批红军宣传材料的一种——红军传单。 1934年农历正月十五,郧西县庙川乡虎头崖村农民李玉才在该县泗峡口乡虎坪山红军召开的“祝捷大会”上参加了红军,被编在“特务队”当兵。因其作战勇敢,不久提为副班长。次年5月,家报母亲病危,经组织批准,回家探望。同时,带回一张用红皮纸油印的“什么是红军”的传单交由其妻刘玉英藏在家中,并机警地躲
In the Yunxi County Archives, there is a collection of precious historical archives of revolutions that were compiled and produced by Comrade Liu Huaqing and Jiang Bo, former vice presidents of the Central Military Commission, Red Army propaganda material - a flyer of the Red Army. In 1934 lunar January 15, Yunxi County Miaochuan Township Hutouya farmer Li Yucai tiger hill in Si County Township Tiger Hill held a “wish Czech General Assembly” to participate in the Red Army, was compiled in the “spy team” soldier. Because of its combat bravery, soon as a vice squad. In May the following year, the family newspaper reported that her mother was in critical condition and was approved by the organization and went home to visit her. In the meantime, a leaflet of “What is the Red Army” printed on red paper was taken by his wife Liu Yuying at his home and swiftly hid