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柴油机由于燃料系发生故障不能发动,应逐段检查,找出原因,加以解决。 1.检查油箱是否有燃油,油箱开关是否打开,油箱的通气孔是否堵塞。 2.松开柴油细滤器和喷油泵上的放气螺塞,用手油泵泵油。如果从放气螺塞处流出的燃油夹有气泡,说明油路中有空气渗入,应查明是由于油箱内的燃油不足,还是管头松动或油管破裂及各衬垫密封不严所致。排除故障后,继续用手油泵泵油,直至燃油中不夹气泡,然后旋紧放气螺塞,如果用手油泵泵油来油不畅,说明低压油路中有堵塞或漏油之处,应检查柴油滤清器是否堵塞及管路有无碰瘪或堵塞之处,必要时检查低压油路的情况。如果用手油泵泵油除来油不畅,油中还夹 Diesel engine can not start because of fuel system failure, should be checked paragraph by paragraph to find out the reasons to be resolved. 1. Check the tank for fuel, the tank switch is open, the fuel tank vent is blocked. 2. Loosen the bleed plug on the diesel fines filter and injection pump and pump the oil with the hand pump. If there is air bubble in the fuel flowing out from the bleeder screw plug, it means that there is air infiltration in the oil circuit. It should be determined whether there is insufficient fuel in the fuel tank, loose tube head or broken tubing, and the liner seal is not strict. After troubleshooting, continue to hand pump oil, until the fuel is not folder bubbles, and then tighten the bleed plug, if hand pump oil to poor oil, indicating that there is a blockage or oil leakage in the low pressure of the Department, Should check the diesel filter is clogged and whether the pipeline touch deflated or blocked place, if necessary, check the situation of low-pressure oil. If you use hand pump oil to remove the oil poor, the oil still folder
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阿大平时可胆大了,每当猪布朗和卷毛羊朵拉有危险的时候,他总是勇敢地上前去帮助他们俩。可是有一天阿大竟然也被吓得胆战心惊的,这是怎么回事呢? A great can be bold at o
孙女:爷爷,你是上帝创造的吗?  爷爷:是的。  孙女:爷爷,我也是上帝创造的吗?  爷爷:是的。  孙女:看来上帝的手艺提高了很多。