
来源 :中国航海 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangeryan8
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同志们: 我首先热烈祝贺中国航海学会1981年年会的胜利召开,并预祝大会取得圆满成功。对于浙江省翟副省长和省科协的负责同志亲莅会议指导,各新闻单位的代表到会组织宣传报导,我表示热烈的欢迎和衷心地感谢。当前,全国人民正在认真学习贯彻党的十一届六中全会精神,为进一步加强政治思想工作,尽快把国民经济搞上去,把我国逐步建设成为现代化的、高度民主的、高度文明的社会主义强国而奋斗。在国庆32周年之际,叶剑英委员长向新华社记者发表谈话,进一步阐明了关于台湾回归祖国,实现和平统一的方针政策;并建议举行两党对等谈判,实行第三次国共合作。叶委员长的谈话深得民心,合情合理,充分体现了我国各族人民包括台湾同胞在内的共同愿望和根本利益,得到了全体人民和各界人士的坚决拥护和热烈响应,也赢得了国际 Comrades: First of all, let me first warmly congratulate China Society of Navigation on the victory of the 1981 Annual Conference and I wish the conference a complete success. As for the vice governor of Zhai Province and the responsible comrades of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, who are personally in attendance and guidance, the representatives of various media organizations will organize the propaganda and exhibitions, and I hereby extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks. At present, people across the country are earnestly studying and implementing the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee. In order to further strengthen their political and ideological work, they must speed up their national economy and gradually build China into a modern, highly democratic and highly civilized socialist power And struggle. On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the National Day, Chairman Ye Jianying made a statement to Xinhua News Agency reporters, further clarifying the guidelines and policies on Taiwan’s return to the motherland and realizing peaceful unification. He also proposed that the two parties negotiate on equal terms and implement the third cooperation between the KMT and the CPC. The speech made by Chairman Ye won the popular support and is reasonable and fully reflects the common wishes and fundamental interests of our people of all ethnic groups, including our Taiwan compatriots. It has won the resolute support and enthusiastic response of all people and people from all walks of life and won the trust of both international
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1. 绪言本文就使用高强度混凝土的预应力混凝土梁的抗剪强度以及破坏状态进行了试验、研究,取得了一些有关高强度预应力混凝土构件抗剪能力设计方法的资料。即用工字形截面
二甲四氯除草剂,近来应用较多,但报告临床中毒的资料较少,现将我们诊治的5例报道如下: 一般资料:5例口服中毒的农民皆为女性,年龄最小者17岁,最大者33岁,平均25岁。口服药量
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