
来源 :中国基层医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jplayer2
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目的:瘦素受体(leptin receptor,LEPR)Q223R(Gln>Arg)基因多态性与系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)发病关联尚存在较大争议。该研究采用Meta分析方法,综合评价LEPR Q223R基因多态性与SLE易感性关联。方法:使用Medline(PubMed)、Web of Science、中国知网(CNKI)、万方数字化期刊全文数据库等数据库,全面检索有关LEPR Q223R基因多态性与SLE发病易感性相关的病例对照研究,检索时间至2020年4月。提取SLE与健康对照A/G等位基因频率、AA/AG/GG基因型数据,以比值比(odds ratio,n OR)及95%可信区间(confidence interval,n CI)作为合并效应量指标,分别分析等位基因、基因型与SLE发病关联。定量分析各研究间的异质性,采用Begg和Egger检验评估发表偏倚。n 结果:共检索4篇研究的7项病例对照研究,Meta分析共纳入SLE患者9 052例,健康对照8 146例。结果显示,LEPR Q223R A/G基因多态性与SLE易感性关联无统计学意义(n P>0.05),A等位基因与SLE发病关联的合并n OR值为1.03(95%n CI:0.92~1.14);基因型显性(AA+AG比GG)、隐性模型(AA比AG+GG)均提示LEPR Q223R A/G基因多态性与SLE发病无关联,合并n OR(95%n CI)分别为0.88(0.15~5.37)、1.13(0.37~3.49);结果还显示,不同人群LEPR Q223R基因型分布存在差异,研究间异质性较大。n 结论:现有证据尚不足以表明,LEPR Q223R A/G基因多态性与SLE发病易感性存在关联。“,”Objective:The association between leptin receptor (LEPR) Q223R (Gln>Arg) gene polymorphism and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) remains controversial.In this study, a meta-analysis was used to comprehensively evaluate the association between LEPR Q223R gene polymorphism and SLE susceptibility.Methods:Case control studies on the relationship between LEPR Q223R gene polymorphism and SLE susceptibility were comprehensively searched by Medline (PubMed), Web of Science, CNKI, Wanfang digital journal full-text database, etc., and the search time was up to April 2020.The data of A/G allele frequency and AA/AG/GG genotype in SLE patients and healthy controls were extracted, the odds ratio (n OR) value and 95% confidence interval (n CI) were used as the combined effect-size indicators to analyze the correlation between allele, genotype and SLE risk.The heterogeneity among studies was analyzed quantitatively, and the publication bias was evaluated by Begg and Egger’s test.n Results:A total of 7 case-control studies from 4 studies were retrieved.A total of 9 052 patients with SLE and 8 146 healthy controls were included in the meta-analysis.The results showed that there was no significant association between LEPR Q223R A/G gene polymorphism and SLE susceptibility, and the n OR of A allele in LEPR Q223R gene locus associated with SLE risk was 1.03(95%n CI: 0.92-1.14). The dominant (AA+ AG vs GG) and recessive (AA vs AG+ GG) models both suggested that LEPR Q223R A/G gene polymorphism was not associated with SLE, and the combined n OR (95%n CI) was 0.88(0.15-5.37) and 1.13(0.37-3.49), respectively.The results also showed that the distribution of LEPR Q223R genotype was different among different populations, and the inter-study heterogeneity was large.n Conclusion:The existing evidence is insufficient to indicate that there is an association between LEPR Q223R A/G gene polymorphism and SLE susceptibility, which needs to be confirmed by further studies.
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