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去绍兴不去咸亨酒店算是没到过绍兴:去咸亨酒店不坐下来品一品绍兴的黄酒,嚼一嚼茴香豆,那算是一大遗憾。所以当我第一次踏上绍兴的地盘,我的第一个念头就是直奔咸亨酒店。 踏进咸亨酒店,黑漆金光的竖牌上“太白遗风”四个字很是夺人眼目。曲尺柜台上摆着豆腐干、茴香豆和温酒的筒子。酒店的前厅是开放式的,有房顶而无围墙,后面是一天井和回字形的走马楼。前后一转,我突然想到鲁迅先生在《孔乙己》里写道“鲁镇酒店的格局,是和别处不同的;都是当街一个曲尺型的大柜台,柜里面预备着热水,可以随时温酒”。我想,那天井,那回字形的走马楼恐怕是后来新建的吧。又想,管它原有也好,新建也罢,“买一碟盐煮花生,或茴香豆,做下酒物了”。 要了一碟茴香豆,一小碗黄酒,没等坐稳,就急不可耐抓起一粒茴香豆往嘴里送,咬一口,其味像硬豆腐干,和想像的不大一样。于是,再送入一粒,一咬,吐出掰开一看,这不是我们常说常吃的蚕豆嘛。又不相信,怕闹 Shaoxing not go to Xianheng hotel was never visited Shaoxing: Xianheng hotel not to sit down a product of Shaoxing rice wine, chewing a chewing fennel beans, it would be a big pity. So when I first set foot on the site of Shaoxing, my first thought was to go straight to Xianheng Hotel. Into the Xianheng hotel, black lacquer golden vertical on the card, “Taibai legacy” is very eye-catching words. Quill counter stood tofu, fennel beans and warm wine cheese. The lobby of the hotel is open, with a rooftop and no walls, followed by a patio and a back-shaped hall. Before and after a turn, I suddenly thought of Mr. Lu Xun in “Kong Yiji” wrote that “the layout of the town of Luzhen is different from elsewhere; all are the streets of a large curved counter, which is equipped with hot water inside the cabinet, liqueur”. I think that patio, then the zigzag shape of the floor may I later build a new bar. Think again, whether it be original or new, worth mentioning, “buy a dish of salt to cook peanuts, or fennel beans, do the next wine.” To a dish of fennel beans, a small bowl of rice wine, did not wait to sit tight, it is impatient to grab an anise bean to his mouth to send, bite, its taste like hard bean curd, and imagined not the same. So, then into a grain, a bite, spit it apart to see, this is not what we often say that eat beans. Do not believe, afraid of trouble
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Two new coordination polymers containing rigid bis(triazole), namely, [Ni(btb)_(0.5)(nph)(H_2O)]_n(1) and [Zn(btb)(SO_4)]_n(2)(btb = 4,4?-bis(1,2,4-triazolyl-1-
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