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目的:掌握青海省海北州饮茶型氟中毒流行现状,为今后采取针对性干预措施提供依据。方法:2018年,依据海北州饮茶型氟中毒的历史流行情况,在海晏、门源、祁连、刚察4个县按照牧业区、农业区、半农半牧区分层,每层抽取1个乡(镇),每个乡(镇)抽取1个病区自然村作为调查点。采集当地居民生活饮用水,检测水氟含量;在海晏县和门源县各抽取10户家庭,共采集不同品牌砖茶样品100份,检测茶氟含量。同时,对调查点所有8 ~ 12岁儿童进行氟斑牙检查,对海晏县和门源县所有26 ~ 55岁成人进行氟骨症X线检查,并采集成人随意1次尿样,检测尿氟含量。水氟、茶氟、尿氟含量检测采用离子选择电极法,氟斑牙诊断采用《氟斑牙诊断》(WS/T 208-2011),氟骨症诊断采用《地方性氟骨症诊断标准》(WS 192-2008)。结果:共采集生活饮用水10份,水氟含量均值为0.33 mg/L,范围为0.20 ~ 0.84 mg/L。砖茶样品100份,茶氟含量均值为750 mg/kg,范围为230 ~ 1 660 mg/kg,日人均砖茶氟摄入量为1.87 mg。儿童氟斑牙检出率为22.56%(217/962),氟斑牙指数为0.42。成人氟骨症检出率为6.88%(24/349);尿氟含量几何均值为1.53 mg/L,范围为0.20 ~ 20.60 mg/L。结论:海北州居民仍受饮茶型氟中毒危害,需引起重视。“,”Objective:To study the epidemic status of drinking brick-tea type fluorosis in Haibei Prefecture, Qinghai Province, and to provide evidence for future targeted intervention measures.Methods:In 2018, according to the historical prevalence of drinking brick-tea type fluorosis in Haibei Prefecture, in Haiyan, Menyuan, Qilian, Gangcha counties, based on the classification of pastoral area, agricultural area, semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas, one township (town) was selected, and one natural village was selected in each township (town) as a survey site. Drinking water samples of local residents were collected, water fluorine content was detected; and 10 households in Haiyan and Menyuan counties were selected, respectively, 100 brick-tea samples of different brands were collected, brick-tea fluorine content was detected. At the same time, dental fluorosis was examined in all children aged 8 to 12 years old in survey sites; and X-ray of skeletal fluorosis was examined in all adults aged 26 - 55 years old in Haiyan and Menyuan counties, urine samples were collected from adults at random for 1 time and urine fluorine content was detected. Water fluorine, brick-tea fluorine, and urine fluorine contents were detected by ion selective electrode method; the diagnosis of dental fluorosis was based on “Diagnosis of Dental Fluorosis” (WS/T 208-2011), and the diagnosis of skeletal fluorosis was based on “Diagnostic Criteria for Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis” (WS 192-2008).Results:The mean of fluorine of the 10 water samples was 0.33 mg/L (0.20 - 0.84 mg/L). The mean of fluorine of the 100 brick-tea samples was 750 mg/kg (230 - 1 660 mg/kg), and the mean of daily fluorine intake from brick-tea of each person was 1.87 mg. The detection rate of dental fluorosis in children was 22.56% (217/962), and the dental fluorosis index was 0.42. The detection rate of skeletal fluorosis in adults was 6.88% (24/349); and the geometric mean of urine fluorine was 1.53 mg/L (0.20 - 20.60 mg/L).Conclusion:In Haibei Prefecture, residents are still affected by drinking brick-tea type fluorosis, which needs to be paid attention to.
目的 探讨松果腺激素-褪黑素对心理应激大鼠胃粘膜损伤的影响及其作用机制.方法 该研究采用动物实验,用不规则光电刺激对大鼠造成心理应激,制备心理应激性胃粘膜损伤模型.将S
当无数的单个消费者的声音汇聚成一条有着强大影响力的巨大长尾,任何人都无法漠视Social(社会)化媒体的强势存在。纽约,2010年10月13日——灵智整合行销传播集团(Euro RSCG W