The new government, run by the Greek Socialist Party, ended censorship for 45 years by abolishing the censorship of films and songs at the end of last year. In the past, Greek films and songs must be vetted without exception by the Press Secretariat’s review board (which had banned such films as Emmanuel and The Story of 0) Sex movies and political films like “Z”). Now that all the films will be free to show for adults. However, screening of films for young people and children under the age of 18 must be submitted for screening by a special committee and screening by “popular film”. If the film is considered offensive, does not meet the national conditions, it must be criticized and banned. One of the reasons why the movie industry in Greece is growing fast is that since the former Minister of Culture, Meirel Mercuri himself, was a very active and well-known movie star in the film before he took office. In the 1950s, she became famous for starring in the movie “Today is Sunday,” also translated as “Piraeus’s Boys.” Later with that