Orthogonal and Round

来源 :中学生数学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikewu
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Civilized man is surrounded on all sides, indoors and out, by a subtle, seldom-noticed conflict between two ancient ways of shaping things: the orthogonal and the round. Cars on circular wheels, guided by hand on circular steering wheels, move on streets that intersect like the lines of a rectangular lattice. Buildings and houses are made up mostly of right angles, relieved occasionally by circular domes and windows. At rectangular or circular tables, with rectangular napkins on our laps, we eat from circular plates and drink from glasses with circular cross sections. We light cylindrical cigarettes with matches torn from rectangular packs, and we pay the rectangular bill with rectangular bank notes and circular coins. Civilized man is surrounded on all sides, indoors and out, by a subtle, seldom-noticed conflict between two ancient ways of shaping things: the orthogonal and the round. Cars on circular wheels, guided by hand on circular steering wheels, move on streets That intersect like the the lines of a rectangular lattice. Buildings and houses are made up mostly of right angles, relieved occasionally by circular domes and windows. at rectangular or circular tables, with rectangular napkins on our laps, we eat from circular plates and drink from Glasses with circular cross sections. We light cylindrical cigarettes with matches torn from rectangular packs, and we pay the rectangular bill with rectangular bank notes and circular coins.
朋友游历欧洲14天回来,我约上八九好友在饭店为其接风洗尘。  朋友一跨进饭店就脱下外套递给服务生,随同递过去的还有一张崭新的五毛钱小费。只可惜朋友的绅士风度吓得服务员手足无措,不敢接纳。朋友尚未落座就语重心长地开讲:“我先申明,欧洲无尘可洗!人家那叫一尘不染,一件白衬衣穿了一个星期,脱下来,上帝啊,比在国内刚穿上去还干净!”  他讲:“人家那福利,瑞典、芬兰,生老病死上学读书一分钱不要,还管吃管喝
采用牛顿环测量光学平面件,是一个通用的古老的测量方法,然而如果在一台平面干涉仪上装有电视显示器及示波器,这就优越的多了,在一般情况下,其测量精度可达 The use of New
猎人抓猴是大多数物理教师喜爱的演示实验.这里我提出一种方法,你不妨立即试一试. 把物理教科书填在方桌的两条腿下,使桌面成为斜面,如附图所示.用一根1米长的V形铸铁棒当作