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网络的出现正在逐步地影响着人们的工作、娱乐、生活,乃至思维。这种影响是迅速的、表象化的,但同时也是深刻、持久的。有些人为之兴奋,称之为新生活、新经济的开始;有些人为之哀叹,叹息世界变化太快,吾已垂垂老矣。也许将来有一天你出门购物,走到商店门口,却发现店门紧闭,门口写着“本店已迁至Internet”。别奇怪,因为现在网络就已经开始威胁传统的商业了。零售业的打猎季节一件商品在生产出来后,需要经过一系列的流通渠道,才能够到达消费者的手里。这也就是所谓的“生产、流 The emergence of the Internet is gradually affecting people’s work, entertainment, life, and even thinking. This influence is rapid and visual, but it is also profound and lasting. Some people are excited about it, calling it the beginning of a new life and a new economy. Some people lament and sigh that the world is changing so fast that I have grown old. Maybe one day, when you go out shopping and go to the door of the store, you will find that the shop is closed and the door reads, “The shop has moved to the Internet.” No wonder, because now the Internet has begun to threaten traditional businesses. When a commodity is produced in the hunting season of the retail industry, it needs to go through a series of distribution channels before it can reach consumers. This is also called "production, flow
作为M毗et xnsights公司的首席技术总管,MareBandt先生与电视购物频道中的产品推销员有很多共同点.虽然研究信息技术,但他的所作所为却越来越象个推销员。 As the chief tec
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通过进行一系列修改以修正一个编程错误,Cisco Systems公司试图解决其即将推出的路由软件中一个潜在问题。存在于该公司IOS中的一个错误代码可能会使该公司几乎所有的路由器
本刊讯内贸部中华全国商业信息中心根据全国百家大型百货零售商店1997年11月份白酒、啤酒的销售情况 This publication was published by the China National Business Info
90年代以来,我国电子信息产业发展迅速,年增长率达到27%左右。去年我国电子信息产业总值为3800亿元,居世界第七位。预计今年我国信息产业总值将达到4600亿元。 有关专家分析,
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。世界主要国家的啤酒消费量 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Beer