
来源 :都市快轨交通 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shao_xiao_dong
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北京地铁5号线充分体现轨道交通“以人为本、科技创新”的设计理念,采用多项新技术、新工艺,展现全新的轨道交通形象,在设计、施工及管理等很多方面都开创了北京乃至全国轨道交通建设领域的第一,如:开创在地铁开通运行之初就实现高密度4min间隔的新记录;在国内首次实施了AFC网络清算中心(ACC)、采用全高和半高安全门(PSD);首次系统解决了轨道交通与其他交通形式的衔接问题;在国际轨道交通工程中首次设计了曲线梁斜拉桥、首次全面开展北京地区特有地层条件下地铁盾构隧道设计施工技术研究并成功应用;在国内外暗挖地铁建设中首次设计和实施了22.6m大跨度单拱单柱双层岛式暗挖结构;在国内首次提出并成功实施的轨道交通路网指挥中心(TCC),使轨道交通网络线路间的指挥协调以及轨道交通与城市防灾系统的联动成为现实,为网络化轨道交通的安全运营提供了保证。 Beijing Metro Line 5 fully embodies the design concept of rail transit “people-oriented, scientific and technological innovation ”, adopts a number of new technologies and new processes, and displays a brand new image of rail transit. It has created Beijing in many aspects such as design, construction and management And even the first in the field of rail transit construction in China, such as opening a new record of high-density 4-minute intervals at the beginning of the opening of the subway; implementing the AFC Network Clearinghouse (ACC) for the first time in China with full-height and half-height security doors (PSD ); For the first time, the problem of convergence between rail transit and other forms of traffic has been systematically solved for the first time. Curvilinear cable-stayed bridges have been designed for the first time in international rail transit projects. For the first time, research on the design and construction of metro shield tunnels under the conditions of peculiar stratigraphy in Beijing has been carried out successfully The 22.6m long-span single-arched and single-column double-island shovel structure was designed and implemented for the first time at home and abroad. In China, the TCC (Rail Transit Network Command Center) was firstly proposed and successfully implemented The command and coordination among rail transit network lines and the linkage between rail transit and urban disaster prevention system become a reality, and the security of networked rail transit Camp provides a guarantee.