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一、最崇拜的偶像是谁?我的父亲。十五岁入党抗日。二、哪件事令你最欣慰?女儿继承祖业父业。三、最痛恨是哪种人?鱼肉百姓而又安然自得之人。四、最自豪的事?十几年有幸被采用“拙作”二千余篇。五、最牵挂哪些人?处处摆脱不了受害角色的打工妹。六、最想办的私事是什么?带爱人到海南、新疆潇洒一回。七、最关注哪些人?老少边穷地区期盼上学而又交不起 First, who is the most admired idol? My father. Fifteen years old join the party against Japan. Second, which things make you most happy? Daughter inherited the ancestral father. Third, the most hate what kind of people? Fish people and safe people. Four, the most proud thing? Ten years have been fortunate enough to be used “Mystic ” more than 2000 articles. Fifth, the most worried about what people? Can not get rid of the role of migrant workers everywhere. Six, the most private thing to do is what? With lover to Hainan, Xinjiang smart back. Seven, the most concerned about what people? Poor areas, young and old looking forward to school but can not afford to pay
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  Transition metal dichalcogenides are layered compounds exhibiting a variety of different ground states and physical properties.
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