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在市场疲软的冲击下,不少企业产品积压生产萎缩,然而,仅有三百多人的九江整流器厂却风骚独领,近三年的生产计划都被订单挤得满满的。这个厂原来生产电子元件和组装收录机,八十年代中期,因产品大量积压、报废而一度濒临绝境。在以承包经营为内涵的改革中,该厂狠抓科学管理,重视科技人才,用好科技改贷款,使企业在短短几年内一跃成为国内仅有的几家能生产大型高容整流器的骨干企业之一。一管理是企业的生命。九江整流器厂在管理实践中认识到,管理关键在个“理”字。只有理顺各种关 Under the impact of the weak market, many companies’ product backlogs shrunk. However, Jiujiang Rectifier Factory, which has more than three hundred people, is cowardly, and its production plans for the past three years have been crowded with orders. This factory originally produced electronic components and assembled radio cassette recorders. In the mid-1980s, it was on the verge of desperation due to a large amount of product backlog and scrapping. In the reform with contracted management as its connotation, the plant pays close attention to scientific management, attaches importance to scientific and technological talents, and makes good use of science and technology to transform loans, so that in a few short years, the company has become one of the only domestic companies capable of producing large-capacity high-capacity rectifiers. One of the backbone enterprises. A management is the life of a company. The Jiujiang Rectifier Factory realized in its management practice that the key to management is the “Li” word. Only sort out all kinds of customs
本文论述了室内集中采暖系统施工安装过程质量控制。 This article discusses the quality control of the construction and installation process of indoor central heat
你能相信如此反差的数字竟共存于一家企业?你又能面对下面这一连串数字而不去深深思索? 这是一家拥有各项实绩都令全国同行羡慕的企业:连续七年,它的人均创利行业第一,平均
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