
来源 :中国防伪报道 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nooneknow7
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食品、药品、保健品的安全已经是一个很严重的问题。据有关部门的统计,每年我国因食物残留农药和化学添加剂中毒的人数超过10万人。假冒伪劣食品、药品、保健品不仅是一种商业性的暴乱,而且已经成为一种极端恐怖的社会问题,是当今我国构建安定,和谐社会的大敌。我国各级政府和质检部门,为人民群众吃上放心的食品、药品做了大量工作。防伪行业也不断推出高技术防伪产品,为在净化食品、药品和保健品市场方面做出贡献。然而,市场上的假冒伪劣商品依然继续泛滥成灾,其中食品,药品、保健品等“进口”货是重灾区。近年来防伪产品自身不断地追求高新技术的引进,采用多种技术的组合叠加,使防伪产品层出不穷,为什么在打击假冒伪劣方面还没能发挥理想的效果? The safety of food, medicine and health products has been a serious problem. According to the statistics of relevant departments, each year more than 100,000 people in our country are poisoned by food residues of pesticides and chemical additives. Fake and shoddy food, medicines and health products are not only a commercial riot but also have become an extremely horrible social problem and constitute the enemy of our country’s construction of a stable and harmonious society. All levels of government and quality inspection departments in our country have done a great deal of work for the people to eat their food and medicines at ease. The anti-counterfeiting industry has also introduced high-tech anti-counterfeit products in a continuous manner, contributing to the market for the purification of food, medicines and health products. However, counterfeit and shoddy goods on the market continued to flourish. Among them, “imported” goods such as food, medicines and health products were the hardest hit. In recent years, anti-counterfeiting products continue to pursue the introduction of new and high technologies, adopting a combination of various technologies to make anti-counterfeiting products emerge in endlessly. Why is it still not able to exert the desired effect in countering counterfeit and shoddy products?
图一.荷花有红荷、白荷之分。红荷一般以没骨法来画。画时每瓣可两笔画成,花瓣不可太尖,花瓣的组织应有疏密变化。花瓣的根部应集中于花梗。白荷 Figure I. lotus with red,
展览时间:2014年6月12至6月15日展览地点:英国Affordable Art FairAffordable艺术博览会非常荣幸能举办2014年优秀青年艺术家的展览。优秀青年艺术家作品展是两年举办一次面
省卫生厅于一九八○年元月二十八日在西宁召开了医院药剂工作座谈会。省、 Provincial Department of Health held a symposium on hospital pharmacy in Xining on Januar