中国空间技术研究院总体部 攻坚克难保落月成功 自主创新助航天梦圆

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2013年12月16日,探月工程嫦娥三号任务首次实现了我国航天器在地外天体软着陆和巡视勘察,标志着我国探月工程第二步战略目标的全面实现,在我国航天事业的发展中具有里程碑意义。值此举国振奋的喜庆之际,中国空间技术研究院总体部部长林益明、党委书记石洪焱携全体干部职工表示热烈祝贺,并向关心、支持和帮助总体部建设发展的各级领导、各兄弟单位及各界朋友表示衷心感谢!在这次举世瞩目的重大航天工程任务中,作为嫦娥三号探测器抓总研制单位,总体部集中内部优势资源和力量,全力以赴,以先进的技术和产品确保任务圆满成功,以骄人的业绩向党和人 On December 16, 2013, the mission of lunar exploration project Chang’e III for the first time realized the soft landing and inspection of China’s spacecraft on and from the extraterrestrial celestial bodies, marking the full realization of the second-phase strategic goal of the lunar exploration project in our country. The development of a landmark. On the occasion of the exciting festivals of this country, Lin Yiming, secretary general of the China Academy of Space Technology, and Shi Hongyan, party secretary, warmly congratulate all cadres and workers and extend their warm greetings to all cadres and workers at all levels who care, support and help the development and construction of the entire ministry. In this major space project that attracts worldwide attention, as the general development unit of Chang’e III detector, the overall department concentrates its resources and strength within its internal resources to go all out to ensure its mission with advanced technology and products A complete success, with impressive performance to the party and people
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Giorgio Fabiani创始于上世纪80年代初,一个在“意大利制造”蓬勃发展的年代。从一间小手工作坊迅速发展为结构完善规模齐备的Giorgio Fabiani公司如今早已声名远扬,在国际市