大力发展水利综合经营 促进水利经济良性运行

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党的十三届四中全会以来,随着国家经济体制改革的深入发展和市场经济体制的逐步建立,我省水利系统抓住机遇,积极兴办实体,大力发展综合经营,水利经济每年迈上一个新台阶。1994年全省水利综合经营销售收入达到15亿元,实现利税1.4亿元,其中有3个市地综合经营销售收入超亿元,20个县(市)超千万元。我省水利综合经营发展主要有以下几个特点: 一是厅属单位分流人员办实体。1992年水利厅颁发了“加快厅属单位改革开放步伐实施意见”,鼓励行政机关、科研、教育、工程管理等 Since the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee, along with the in-depth development of the national economic reform and the gradual establishment of a market economy system, our province’s water conservancy system has seized the opportunity to actively establish entities and vigorously develop integrated operations. The water conservancy economy has taken a A new level. In 1994, the province’s integrated water management business achieved a sales revenue of 1.5 billion yuan and a profit tax of 140 million yuan. Among them, three cities had an integrated operating income of over 100 million yuan and 20 counties (cities) over 10 million yuan. Integrated management of water conservancy construction in our province has the following characteristics: First, the hall is a unit to divert personnel to do entities. In 1992, the Department of Water Conservancy issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Implementation of Institutional Reform and Opening-up of Units to Encourage Administrative Organizations, Scientific Research, Education and Project Management
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