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多边贸易体制生效伊始,正值区域集团化浪潮高涨的时候.如何协调多边贸易体制与区域集团化的关系并能有效监督和驾驭后者的发展走向,以防止对前者的侵蚀与肢解,已成为“世贸组织”议事日程上亟待解决的问题.从“世贸组织”的前身关贸总协定(下称“总协定”)近半个世纪的发展历程看,对如何处理和协调区域经济合作并未形成一套成熟的经验,而且乌拉圭回合谈判中也未涉及这一问题,致使基于第八轮多边贸易谈判成果而成立的世贸组织,在今后处理、协调和监督区域集团化的发展方面,不仅无严格的法律规定可以援引,而且也无以往的实践经验可资借鉴. When the multilateral trading system came into force, it was at a time when the wave of regional conglomeration was on the rise. How to coordinate the relationship between the multilateral trading system and regional conglomeration and effectively monitor and control the development of the latter to prevent erosion and dismemberment of the former has become Problems that need to be resolved on the agenda of the WTO. From the course of development of the “GATT”, the predecessor of the “GATT”, for nearly half a century, we have not seen how to handle and coordinate regional economic cooperation. A mature experience has been formed, and this issue has not been addressed in the Uruguay Round negotiations. This has led to the establishment of the WTO based on the results of the eighth round of multilateral trade negotiations. In the future, not only will the WTO deal with, coordinate and supervise the development of regional conglomeration. Strict legal regulations can be cited, and there is no past practical experience for reference.
在中西部一个大城市的交通法庭里,一位年轻女士被带到法官面前,她由于开车闯红灯被开了罚单。女士向法官解释,她是一名学校老师,请求法官马上处理她的案子, In a traffic co
中澳贸易存在四方面不足,但前景美好,进一步发展双边经贸关系需要澳方调整对华贸易政策。 There are four shortcomings in China-Australia trade, but the prospects are
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一、当前我国出现的通货膨胀与物价上涨问题,是经济工作中的重大问题 当前我国出现的通货膨胀与物价上涨问题,是经济工作中存在的重大问题。因为这两个问题既关系到经济工作
白俄罗斯海关作出决定,中国产品在白俄罗斯海关通关时,若提供中国商检部门出具的普惠利原产地证明书FORMA,则可享 The Belarusian Customs decided that when the Chinese