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如何估计天线罩对它所复盖的天线辐射方向图的影响,有各种不同的近似方法.例如平面波谱分析与综合法;从源点到观察点的几何射线追踪方法,但不考虑罩体内部的多次反射;从源点到观察点的射线追踪方法,但传输系数用等效平板的传输系数代替;等等.所有这些近似方法都忽略了下列之一或几个效应,例如曲面曲率对平板模的影响,内部多次反射对射线轨迹的影响,以及沿罩体激励的导波模.最近的一种严格方法克服了这些缺陷.它以集合方式考虑内部多次反射,从而引入所谓的“集合”或“复合”射线的概念.本文把这种方法推广到复数空间,用复数射线追踪(CRT)方法分析二维圆柱壳模型.众所周知,逐渐衰减式的口径分布可以使用复数射线近似,亦即可以视作复数射线源.天线罩对这种初级场的影响,可以这样研究:追踪从复数源出发,经过天线罩体的复数延拓,到达实观察点的复数射线.首先逐个追踪各条普通复数射线;然后构造集合射线以考虑内部多次反射.无论远场或者是近场都可以用普通复数射线场之和或者再加上集合射线场表示.数值结果表明,跟在实数场合一样,复数集合射线也是十分有吸引力的. How to estimate the influence of radome on the radiation pattern of the antenna it covers, there are various approximations, such as plane spectrum analysis and synthesis method, geometric ray tracing method from source point to observation point, Multiple reflections inside, ray tracing method from source to observation point, but the transmission coefficient is replaced with equivalent plate transmission coefficient, etc. All of these approximations ignore one or more of the following effects, such as surface curvature The effect on the flat die, the effect of the internal multiple reflections on the ray trajectories, and the guided wave modes excited by the mask A more recent rigorous approach overcomes these shortcomings by taking into account the internal multiple reflections in an aggregate manner, The concept of “set” or “compound” rays is introduced.In this paper, the method is generalized to complex space and the two-dimensional cylindrical shell model is analyzed by complex ray tracing (CRT) method.As we all know, the gradual attenuation type caliber distribution can be approximated by complex ray , That is, can be regarded as a complex source of radiation.Radio cover for this primary field, can be studied as follows: tracking from a plurality of sources, through the antenna cover the complex extension to reach Observe the complex ray of the points. First, track the ordinary complex rays one by one. Then construct a set of rays to account for the internal multiple reflections. Both the far field and the near field can be represented by the sum of normal complex ray fields or combined ray fields Numerical results show that, as in the real case, complex rays are also very attractive.
我国正处于从传统社会向现代化社会过渡的转型时期 ,道德随着时代的演进也发生着变迁。我国经济发展的显著成就与道德状况的不如人意这一反差 ,使得当今道德建设问题已成为一