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小时候总想知道狮子厉害还是老虎厉害,于是听到了这样一个故事:愚者问哲人,如果野生的狮子遇到野生的老虎,哪位更厉害?哲人拿出面镜子对他说,你看看世界上最危险的动物就在镜子里。听说很多地方现在都限制人群聚集,怕人群拥挤发生安全事故。这倒和小时候听的故事吻合了。别忘了人是最危险的动物,最危险的动物聚集成群,岂不更加危险。今后父母教育小孩的时候,要加上一句与从前大不同的叮嘱,以前是“别跑远了,别到人少的地方去呀,危险!”现在则是“千万别往人多的地方去呀,危险!”人是群聚性动物,城市发展离不开人群聚集,社会活动也离不开人群聚集。看几次突发性公共安全事故,是什么吸引众多的人聚在一起,以至不顾生死?是文化活动的贫乏,一点点乐趣即造成人群的整体亢奋;是人群自我保护常识缺乏,危险和死亡在眼前仍视而不见;是城市缺少安全保障机制,国民得不到应有的安全管理服务,这才是不安全的病灶。多年来安全管理投入少,不重视安全教育,不都是政府的错,社会也有错,个人也有错。一定要等出事了,出大事了,烧死人、炸死人、熏死人、轧死人、淹死人、摔死人了……问题才得到重视,才得到解决。否则的话,会开了,法立了,文件发了,制度有了,宣传搞了,但还是无效。这倒成了安全领域的一条血规则。 When I was a kid, I always wanted to know how powerful a lion was or how powerful a tiger was. So I heard a story like this: Fools asked philosopher if the wild lion encountered a wild tiger, which was better? The philosopher took a mirror and said to him, Look at the world The most dangerous animal is in the mirror. I heard that many places now limit the crowd gathered, afraid of crowd crowded security incidents. This fell in line with the story of a child to listen to coincide. Do not forget that people are the most dangerous animals, the most dangerous animals gathered in groups, would not be more dangerous. In the future, when parents educate their children, it is necessary to add a sentence that is quite different from what they used to be. In the past, “do not run too far, do not go to fewer places, danger!” Now it is “ To go, dangerous! ”People are colony animals, urban development can not be separated from the crowd, social activities can not be separated from the crowd. See several public emergency accidents, is what attracts many people together, even regardless of life and death? Is the cultural activities of the poor, a little fun that is caused by the crowd’s overall excitement; is the lack of common sense of self-protection of the population, danger and death In the eyes still blind to seeing; lack of security mechanisms in the city, the national security services should not be due to the service, this is not safe lesions. Over the years less investment in safety management, do not pay attention to safety education, not all the government’s fault, the community is wrong, there are individuals wrong. Must wait for an accident, a major event, burned the dead, killed people, smoked dead, run dead, drowned, killed the dead ... ... before the issue gets attention, was resolved. Otherwise, it will be opened, the law established, the document was issued, the system is there, propaganda is done, but still invalid. This is a bloody rule of safety.
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【内容摘要】历史学科相对于其他学科来说,具有一定的特殊性与复杂性,对教师的教学方法也提出了更高的要求。复习作为历史学习过程中最重要的一个环节,是促进学生掌握历史知识的重要途径,而思维导图作为当前教育界的主要研究内容,如何使其能够在高中历史的复习课中得到应有也已成为当前亟待解决的重要问题。本文将就高中历史复习课中思维导图的应用进行简要的分析与概述。  【关键词】高中历史 复习课 思维导图  引言  
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