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把坚持以人为本原则贯彻落实到干部工作中,使之在干部选拔、使用、考察、激励等主要环节得以充分体现,是新时期党政领导干部人才队伍建设的重要内容,也是推进干部工作的科学化和规范化的根本要求。在干部选拔中正确评价政绩。在干部选拔工作中坚持以人为本原则,主要应当解决对领导干部政绩的评价标准问题。判断干部是否创造出了政绩,应当把握好这样几条: 一看是否忠实实践“三个代表”重要思想和认真贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会精神;二看是否符合科学发展观的要求,做到了坚持以人为本,坚持统筹兼顾,实现了全面、协调和可持续发展,三个文明建设取得了实实在在的进展;三看人民群众是否得到了实惠,群众关心的问题、群众迫切需要解决的困难是否得到解决,人民群众是否拥护、赞成、高兴、答应;四看是否坚持了求真务实精神,解放思想,实事求是,尊重科学,尊重规律,创造性地开展工作,勤勉敬业,艰苦奋斗,敢抓敢管,脚踏实地地抓好各项工作落实,取得新的业绩;五看是否正确处理了眼前利益和长远利益、整体利益和局部利益、组织和个人的关系,所做的各项工作能够经得起实践和历史的检验。 Implementing the principle of putting people first is fully implemented in the work of cadres so that they can be fully reflected in the major links such as the selection, use, inspection and encouragement of cadres. This is an important part of the personnel building for party and government leading cadres in the new era. It is also a matter of scientifically promoting the work of cadres And the basic requirements of standardization. Correctly evaluate achievements in the selection of cadres. In the cadre selection work adhere to the principle of people-oriented, we should mainly solve the evaluation criteria for the performance of leading cadres. To judge whether cadres have created political achievements, we should take a good grasp of the following. Take a look at whether to faithfully implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ conscientiously implement the spirit of the 16th CPC Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee. In line with the requirements of the scientific concept of development, we have achieved real progress in advancing the three civilizations by adhering to the principle of taking people as our foundation, taking all factors into consideration as a whole and achieving comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. Thirdly, we have seen whether or not the people have received substantial benefits and are of concern to the masses Whether the difficulties the masses are pressing to solve are to be resolved and whether the people support, agree, be happy and agree with each other. See whether they adhere to the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, respecting science, respecting the law, working creatively and diligently Dedicated, hard-working, dare to dare to dare to manage, do a good job of down-to-earth implementation of the work, to obtain new performance; five to see whether the right to deal with immediate and long-term interests, the overall interests and local interests, organizations and individuals, All the work can stand the test of practice and history.
1月下旬,雨雪冰冻极端天气对我国南方大部分地区造成灾害。这场罕见的大范围天气灾害,大有李白《行路难》“欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山”的艰险,但广大新闻记者肩负使命,摸爬滚打在新闻源头,经受“高雪压”考验。  1月30日上午,温家宝总理在广州问候一线记者:“感谢记者们!”1月31日,中国记协给在抗击雨雪冰冻灾害第一线的新闻工作者发出慰问信。在这里,我要为同行鼓掌。做一个新闻人真的很累。跨出新闻系大